Numeria Universus

"There may be dangers in this world, but if we look to the Gods, they will provide for us."
-Arch Priest Kilandria of Riona


Principia Numus

Naxian Numus
Lux Anima

Divine Origins

There are scrolls within the Stratos Riona Archive that date back to early 912. During the initial construction of the Stratos Archive, a scholar known only by the name of Fawnsworth was tasked with collecting religious documents throughout Terran Collia. These documents where to be placed in the Archive upon completion to better document the religions of the world. During their travels, the scholar found that many of the religious deities could actually coexist together. Further research was required, but by the time the Archive was completed in 950, the scholar had a rough history of the Gods written out.
While the first written documents for Numeria Universus date back to 912, the roots didn't take hold until around 980. This is when the history of the Gods was fully realized and similar to what we have today. Still, many did not accept this new teaching. It wasn't until late 1083, when missionaries were sent out with documents across the sea, that the religion finally took hold.
  Now, Numeria Universus believers can be found across Lux Terrarum. While originally started as a human religion, even the dwarves and the elves found their deities line up with them and now many dwarves and elves also call themselves followers.


Followers of Numeria Universus can worship at Temples or Churches throughout Lux Terrarum. A good number of the devoted will join sermons held when Serenus is brightest. These sermons are usually held at multiple times on Attenuo, Orbis, and Postremus, but the exact times will vary depending on the local institution.
Devoted may also worship in the Temples at any time, praying or making offerings to their Gods. Priests also allow worshiping at home although they say a shrine to at least one of the Principia Numus is required to make a lasting connection to the Divine Plane. 
Practices vary from region to region but the general rule is prayer must take place at least once a week and those who present offerings and attend sermons are favored by the Gods, but the latter two typically do not follow any sort of set guidelines.

Granted Divine Powers

It is said those favored by the Gods will receive the help they need in trying times. This often draws in those less fortunate to attend sermons and make greater offerings. The devoted will typically say that the peace of mind they feel when worshipping is well worth the time and there are also a few who say that they have received riches or favors from the Gods directly, but these cases are rarely confirmed.
Priests are not granted any powers, but it is said that Priests are granted eternal life in the Celestial Plane. There are a few Priests who claim to have been given the powers of healing or protection through the Gods, but the Church’s hierarchy say that those powers are reserved for Priests who have completed special training.
High Priests are typically granted healing powers as well as being able to preform a variety of protective hexes.
Arch Priests are the highest classification of Numeria Universus. These well studied individuals have been said to harness the powers of the Gods themselves. While no Arch Priest has ever been confirmed to cast these high intensity spells, there are a number of stories and myths about them. This leads many followers to believe that Arch Priests are chosen directly by the Gods to carry out their word.

The Gods protect us, from now, til forever.

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion