
Purpose / Function

The house that Marshall Linton and Rowan Courier (and their additional partners) call home was originally constructed in 1775 by the angel Calhoun to be home for Abigail Linton and Rebecca Courier who were carrying the children of Archangel Metatron and Archangel Raphael. It was originally constructed with multiple comfortable rooms to accommodate multiple generations of nephilim.


The house has been modified over the generations as technology has improved. Calhoun made certain to remain knowledgeable of trends in order to improve the house for the comfort of her charges. It wasn't until 1900 that the house was drastically expanded to make space for the additional partners Richard Courier and Michael Linton had.


The house, though expanded and sometimes appearing as two identical, smaller houses, remains in the American colonial style.


The property has absorbed much angelic energy over the years and cannot be accessed by demons or anyone with ill intent. The house and the land it sits on must accept all new additions to the family in order to protect them. This is typically done through an intimate ceremony within the magical glade on the property.
Founding Date
1775 (originally), 1900 (expanded)
House, Large
Additional Rulers/Owners


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