Mating Bond

Due to the fact that werewolves can only reproduce during the full moon, sex during the full moon has a psychological and physiological effect on werewolves. For this reason, sex during the full moon - usually referred to simply as "mating" even if the intent is not for reproduction - is taken very seriously by most werewolves and is not done unless a relationship is considered truly serious.


Mating, for werewolves, creates a strong psychological bond between those who have mated. This is thought to have a biological purpose in connecting parents to each other for mutual childrearing, however, it is still felt between werewolves who can't reproduce, including those in same-sex relationships. The bond can also be felt by those of other species with whom a werewolf mates, such as humans, vampires, and Hellhounds. The only beings immune are angels, though those with partial angelic blood, such as nephilim, can experience the bond.

The mating bond is not forceful and does not irrevocably bind individuals together. It requires some feelings of affection or attraction as a foundation, as it merely increases those feelings. However, it can be abused in some cases. This is why werewolves do not take mating lightly and do not mate unless they have become quite close to whomever they wish to mate with.

Mating alters the pheromones of those directly involved, even among partners who are not werewolves. This can be sensed by other werewolves and tells them who is a mate to whom. In the past, this was considered a "claim," but is now mostly seen as akin to wearing a symbol of a relationship, like a ring or a partner's clothes. Werewolves treat other mated werewolves as if the relationship between them is undeniably serious, not a fling or anything casual.

Despite how serious mating is, the bond is not permanent. It fades as the month progresses, but the more consecutive full moons the couple (or other arrangement) mate, the stronger the bond will be and the longer it will last over time. This does not prevent a break-up from happening if it is felt to be the best course of action for some relationships, nor will a werewolf become obsessed with a mate. The bond merely enhances feelings of love, desire, and affection. Werewolves have full choice of who they mate with, even if they choose new partners. It may make it more emotional to end a relationship, but will not stop it from happening.

Reactions to mating and the bond are individual and all may handle this aspect of werewolf life slightly differently.


Only werewolves and their partners experience the mating bond.

Metaphysical, Supernatural


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