The Thirst

The Thirst is a vampire feeding club in a yet-unnamed serial that will be posted on Wattpad beginning in January 2025.

Purpose / Function

The Thirst was founded as a feeding club by a group of vampires as a place where vampires could safely feed on willing suppliers.


The original club was intentionally burned down in 1974 after it was mistaken by a local priest as "a place of raging homosexuality." One of his followers set fire to the building and, though he bragged about it, never faced justice for his crime. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured or killed as the fire was set in broad daylight. The club was rebuilt, adding a third floor at the same time and increasing the number of private rooms. Other attempts were made to set fire to the building, but all failed due to angelic charms placed on the structure during rebuilding. Security cameras were eventually added as a deterant.


The building that houses the club is a brick building that is three stories tall. The ground floor of The Thirst is the club itself. This is where vampires and others can mingle and dance together. A bar serves alcohol and other drinks to non-vampires, as well as blood for vampires who may not feed with a supplier for any reason. The bar also maintains a large selection of pre-packaged snacks, mostly sweets, to give to any non-vampire patrons who need them after feeding a vampire.


The basement serves as storage for alcohol, snacks, and blood. The blood is kept well hidden in specialty bottles in the event that any authorities come to inspect the premises. A doorway near the bar leads to the staircase that goes to the two floors above the club. The first contains the office and owners' apartments. Both floors also contain rooms in which feeding can take place. Due to the arousing nature of vampire venom, feeding is done privately as it often involves sex. These rooms are kept clean and sterilized.

Founding Date


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