BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


"'He was born in the Uncharted Year 114, decades before the end of the Elven-Human war, before either the Ausan Dynasty or Camoor began. He fought in the war once he came of age, but his passion lay in thinking of ways to help his people rather than fighting wars. He was a poor soldier and was mortally wounded. Being left to die, Maephon called out to the Goddess to take care of his family. Our Lady Isran answered his prayer in an unexpected way. Because he asked for his family to be taken care of rather than ask for his life to be spared, he was reborn in the holy fire of the Goddess. Through this, She gave him immense and unmatched power.   “'Maephon spent a year in solitude, meditating and growing in his power under the guidance of Isran in Her sacred land, Naivda. While he was there, he experienced no hunger nor did he grow tired as the year was spent fully immersed in the light of the Goddess. When he returned to humanity, his clan initially believed he was a dark spirit sent to trick them out of their beliefs. He was taken to the leader of his tribe who questioned him for a month before believing that he was who he claimed to be.   “'Maephon tried to be a productive member of society. He lived in a time before Class existed and thus there was no Diviner to show him his path. His new magical talents caused him to be ostracized out of fear. He struggled as he tried to find a place in a world that simply was not ready for him, outliving everyone for whom he had truly cared. It took a long while before he finally found his calling.'”   “'There was a young woman by the name of Kayas in the neighboring tribe of Ausan who had hopes higher than anyone had ever dared to dream before. When their tribes would interact on occasion to trade, Maephon could sense that this woman would become something great and that his destiny lay in helping her. They met often and both had a passion for thinking and philosophizing, but he had kept the magic he possessed a secret from her. Once he revealed his nature, however, she believed that he was the sign she needed to go forth with her plans. With Maephon at her side, Kayas united the tribes known to their world and established the Blessed Fire Kingdom, our Kingdom of Camoor, in the first Sovereign Year, decades after the end of the Elven-Human War. Queen Kayas used her tribal language to name the kingdom, but eventually the language became one only the royal court was permitted to learn.'"   “'Maephon knew the kingdom would be a great and lasting one. Together, he, Queen Kayas – and eventually, the Queen’s husband – built the castle that still stands in Camoor. Kayas was Maephon’s dearest friend, and the Kingdom of Camoor his most beloved treasure.'"   “'Maephon felt that he had finally found his destiny and cemented his legacy. He had had children and he had helped to start a dynasty. But he wanted to ensure that the Kingdom would remain powerful after he let himself die. He had gathered a discipleship who followed and believed in his teachings, but he did not believe that humans without magic could help the kingdom grow. He spent another year in solitude wandering in search of the right path to take.'"   “'When he discovered the answer, he returned to Camoor. Maephon made his return known to three of his most devout disciples and bestowed upon each of them a gift. To the first, he gave the ability to heal. This disciple was the first Arcane. To the second, he gave the ability to see the future in signs and symbols. This disciple was the first Diviner. To the last, who was rumored to be his favourite, he gave the power to create. This disciple was the first Druid. With their help, he established the Classes to prevent citizens of his beloved kingdom from feeling as lost and aimless as he had felt for so long.'"   “'Maephon lived another several decades, eventually dying in the sixtieth Sovereign Year. His funeral was presided over by the new queen, Anidoa, Kayas’ daughter, who viewed Maephon as dear to her as her own father. After his passing, the Druid Class vowed to always uphold Maephon’s ideals and use their magic to bring honor to Camoor, always.'”
114 UN. 50 S. 164 years old


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