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Cursed Tunnels

Beneath the city of Lenen there is a vast network of old cellars and tunnels left over the ages while the city grew. There even are a few caves, which might possibly all be connected, but nobody actually knows if they are. The reason nobody explored this yet is mainly the fact that many believe the tunnels to be cursed and therefore won't go inside.

For generations, people have been warned by their parents to stay away from the tunnels from a very young age. There are many variations of the story why the tunnels are so dangerous. From a magical fountain that will drive a person insane to a witch who curses or kills anyone who enters to a dragon who eats you if you get in its path, there is a multitude of stories around the dangers awaiting in the tunnels.

As different as the stories are, they all agree in one point: Those who enter the tunnels are either never seen again or come out completely changed. Many keep believing the stories even as adults and will not even go near an entrance to the tunnels, much less enter them. This perpetuates the belief in the cursed tunnels amongst the citizens of Lenen.
A multitude of stories warn the citizens of Lenen to enter the tunnels beneath the city and, as is the case with most believable myths, there is a touch of truth to it. Whilst there is no fountain, witch or dragon, entering the tunnels is still dangerous.

First of all, the network of tunnels is vast and difficult to navigate, making it easy to get lost, potentially permanently. Also, the Guild, a secret organization of assassins, has made the tunnels their home, and the Guild will kill or recruit anyone who stumbles upon their headquarters, so they will return changed.


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