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Feire is the daughter of Oriane, the Superior of a secret guild of assassins and one of her former, now dead targets, a former Captain on the City Watch of Lenen. Growing up within the Guild, she has learned to do one thing: kill without leaving any traces, and she's very good at it. Still, after nearly messing up her last assignment, her position in the Guild is on the line.

After the High Council's decision to give her one last chance, Feire is given a new assignment: she is ordered to kill Crown Prince Esmir. In order to get close to him and find a way to eliminate him, she is placed within the royal palace, posing as handmaiden to the King's Mistress, who is secretly a member of the High Council of the Guild.

As it turns out, getting close to the Prince is the easy part, but Feire soon begins to question her assignment. Upon closer investigation, she realizes that her orders are part of the Guild's plan to overthrow the royal family of Keider and to place Aslo, the mistress's abusive and power-hungry son, on the throne. For this plan to succeed, Esmir has to go. Permanently.

But Feire is done playing by the Guild's rules. She befriends Esmir, and they come up with a plan to fake his death in order to allow Feire to return to the Guild and undermine their attempt at undermining the Kingdom. At first, the plan seems to work, but when Esmir is dicovered, they are both forced to flee the city of Lenen. Still, giving up is not an option for either of them

They return to Lenen in secret, where things have gotten much worse for Esmirs family. After the King's sudden and mysterious death, courtesy of the Mistress, Aslo is crowned and Esmirs mother is forced to leave the palace. She joins Feire and Esmir in their attempt to fight against the Guild and the new King, but because the Guild has infiltrated nearly every organization in Lenen, finding allies is exceptionally difficult.

Luckily, with the help of old connections and new friends, Feire and Esmir are able to build a resistance. After meticulously planning their fight against the new regime, they are able to successfully remove the corrupt system. Esmir ends up on the throne he was born for, and Feire stays by his side as a trusted friend and advisor.
"We're assassins, Feire. Killing is our job, and we do not question orders."
- Oriane, Superior of the Guild
Feire is a twenty-two-year-old woman with pale skin, long, straight brown hair and dark brown eyes. She is often described as very beautiful, and men often find her quite desirable, which is immensely useful in her line of work.

A lifetime of training to fight has made her very physically fit and a lot stronger than she looks, and a lot more dangerous. Feire always carries several hidden knives as well as an array of useful poisons and other deadly things.

All her life, she has been taught three things: never get attached, never trust anyone and, above all, never ever question orders. Questions change everything. Still, questioning everything is Feire's nature, making her a threat to the Guild.


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