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Hairpin Dagger

In the Kingdom of Keider, it is rather common, expected even, for men to carry some kind of knife or dagger for protection. It is, however, considered inappropriate for a woman to be (visibly) armed in public. This is very inconvenient for a woman who needs to be able to defend herself or whose profession might require access to a weapon.

Hence, hairpin daggers were invented to help this problem. These pins are generally made from metal and roughly the length of a human hand. They aren't sharp to avoid accidentally cutting one's hair, but they do have thin edges and are very pointy, making them the perfect tool to poke a would-be assailant or an unsuspecting victim full of holes.

The blade of this type of dagger is typially very thin often has a triangular or quadranguar cross-section with slightly hollowed flat sides, which makes them quite deadly. The blade profile causes the edges of the would to flap inward once the blade is removed, potentially causing the victim to bleed out without them necessarily noticing.

Hairpin daggers can be used in a variety of different hairstyles, either as a structural element of it or simply as an accessory. In either case, they're disguised, in arm's reach and easily removable. Particularly female members of the Guild commonly own at least one of these daggers, which can come in handy for a quick, stealthy assassination. Other women also sometimes own one for their own protection.

The story of the invention of the hairpin dagger is quite interesting: Apparently, there had been a point in time when women of higher status would wear incredibly large, elaborate hairpins and hair accessories in general.

It came to a point where men started to joke that these women could stab a person to death with them. A smith who was affiliated with the Guild heard about this and decided to try making a hairpin that could actually do that. Thus, the hairpin dagger was invented.

To this day, the hairpin dagger is mostly used by female members of the Guild, but also by upper class women wanting to keep themselves safe from those who would harm them.


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