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The Guild

The Guild is a secret organization of assassins operating all over the Kingdom of Keider. It is based in Lenen, the capital of Keider. The secret headquarters, where new members are trained, materials are stored and the annual meetings of all Guild members takes place, is, unbeknownst to most citizens, located in the tunnels beneath the city.

The Guild is almost as old as the Kingdom of Keider and was originally founded with the aim to fight the growing corruption in positions of power. At first, the Guild mostly concerned itself with matters within Lenen, but when the royal court moved to Lenen, it slowly began to expand. Nowadays, the organization works throughout the entire Kingdom.

It is led by a person known as the Superior of the Guild, who is the primus inter pares of the High Council of the Guild that consists of five members. Generally, decisions concerning the Guild are made by the entire council, but the Superior has the power to overrule or veto decisions made by the other four members of the High Council and therefore has the highest position of power in the Guild.

With time, the Guild unfortunately evolved away from its original goal to fight corruption and has now become an integral part of said corruption. Occasionally, factions of the Guild have attempted to overthrow the government of Keider. A few of them have come close to succeeding, but none have been as close as the most recent one.

Originally founded to fight corruption, the Guild is an example of an organization that was founded for a good cause and has gradually become part of the problem it initially attempted to fix, which, unfortunately, is a fairly common occurrence.
Instigated by a few young members roughly twenty years ago, plans have been made and set in motion to undo the established government structure and put a Guild associate on the throne of Keider.

Their attempt was successful at first, but was then undone by a group led by Crown Prince Esmir and former Guild member Feire with the help of some unlikely allies.

The Guild's fall from grace has led to the disbandment of the entire organization. It is possible, that a similar kind of organization will be founded again in the future, but not for a while.


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