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The Guild Revolt

The belief that the current system of Keider is outdated and in need to be overthrown are not a new phenomenon within the Guild, and a few unsuccessful attempts have been made. The latest attempt at this is slightly different than the others as it has been planned for a long time and has support even from some of the highest ranks in the Guild, until recently including the Superior of the Guild.

It all started when a young woman named Arminda, a member of the Guild, became the mistress of the King Ageun of Keider. At first, she was amazed by the life in the palace and even considered leaving the Guild altogether. This changed after her son Aslo was born. She noticed how he was treated differently by the people at court becaus he wasn't the King's natural-born son.

Enraged by this injustice, Arminda started to rebell against the kingdom's established rules and soon began forming a faction within the Guild aiming to overthrow the system. The group included many people, among them Oriane, who would later become Superior of the Guild. This faction has been mostly dormant for quite some time, waiting for Arminda's son to come of age before starting to inact their plan.

Recently, Feire, Oriane's daughter, has been placed at court as Arminda's handmaiden to eliminate Esmir, the King's true-born son and heir. This would pave the way for Arminda to kill the King and for Aslo to take the throne. At first, this plan seemed to work out, but Feire realized what was happening and helped Esmir to fake his own death. The faction then executed the rest of their plan but was stopped by a group led by Feire and Esmir. The entire Guild was disbanded after this, and the faction with it.

Oriane, the Superior of the Guild, and Arminda, the King's mistress and member of the High Council, used to be close friends as young women and initially planned the revolt together. With time, Arminda's views became more and more radical while Oriane realized that she no longer agreed with her friend's methods. The two began to drift apart more and more.

When her daghter Feire told her about what was happening at court, Oriane officially stopped supporting the faction. She even began working with Feire and Esmir to stop the revolt, even though she knew it would most likely mean the disbandment of the entire Guild that she had led well for a long time.


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