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The high mountains

The high mountains are the home to THE RUBY RAVENS Clan.  


At first, all the elves lived in one city they named the first city whose walls provided magical protection. When the city could no longer house all the elves, they formed 5 new clans to form a kingdom.
  They are led by the Blood of the God, The children of a female elf named Caecilia and Zahone the god at the beginning of time, their descendants have a stronger magic core than normal elves. They pass the leadership from father to eldest son. The five new leaders received a staff which was forged using pieces of the wall to ensure the protection of the clan. It can only be used by god's blood.
  The first new clan named themselves THE RUBY RAVENS; They followed the second son. They excelled in inventing and liked their privacy. They settled in the high mountains, where they built and advanced.  


In the mountain range there are many caves both nutrual and magic made, which act as homes and social areas for the people of the clan. The mountains are located in the North - West of the island as can be seen on the map.
The location of the mountain range and its extreme height (2478 meters above sea) make it a nutreal shelter as the other clans find it hard to stay for prolonged periods.


due to the height plants have a hard time growing therefore most food is bought off THE SAPHIRE WHALES and THE EMERALD WOLVES
Mountain Range
Owning Organization


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