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Kingmaker In this land of beasts and backstabbers, a new nation must rise.

There is a voice that whispers in the ear of many an adventurer throughout the River Kingdoms; a voice that spurs the brave on towards deadly challenges and unknown depths. In this land of self-made kings, daggers are poised at the back of every would-be rival. Yet while every minor lord schemes and sheds blood over ever-changing scraps of territory, one large stretch of land remains unclaimed: The Stolen Lands.   Nestled between the country of Brevoy and the growing domain of Pitax, the Stolen Lands have become home to all manner of beast and brigand. All attempts to lay claim to the territory have been cut short some way or another, making it something of a local legend of an untamable wild. Recently, however, a powerful bandit known as the Stag Lord has drawn together the disparate bands of thieves within the land and forged a new stronghold, slowly squeezing the life out of the people who call the Stolen Lands their home.   At the same time, Jamandi Aldori of Restov has launched a scheme of her own to claim the impossible, and it begins with a banquet honoring you all. It is here she plans to announce her plans to send as many groups as she can to take over the land, bit by bit, lending the full weight of both Restov's government and her own noble name to the cause. Not only that, but she fully intends to finance these new fledgling kingdoms, should they prove successful in clearing out the dangers. It just so happens that her invitation reaches our heroes...   You may have questions. If so, please, follow here: Why This Site?

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