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Oleg's Trading Post

Oleg's Trading Post was once a fort on the southern border of Rostland and the Stolen Lands. It was officially abandoned as a fort in 4704 as the Rostland soldiers who inhabited it were withdrawn to protect their northern border. In 4717, ownership of the fort was bought by Oleg, a carpenter who had made a modest profit in Restov but wished for a life away from the city. With his new wife Svetlana, Oleg immediately got to work repairing the fort and turning it into a reasonably successful trading post for the trappers and hunters that call the Stolen Lands their home. Recently, the couple's success has drawn the attention of local bandits, who have started extorting the trading post, leading to Oleg to send for a small contingent of soldiers to help guard his post.   When the first few groups of exiles from Restov came south, Oleg and Svetlana were hopeful that they could be convinced to help against the bandits. Unfortunately for them, the first groups of exiles were only a little better than bandits themselves, and quickly fled the trading post, sometimes stealing supplies in the bargain. Eventually, a group of exiles arrived who were willing to help. Though Oleg didn't have high hopes for them, the group managed to take out the bandits coming to claim their "taxes" with only a small fire in the stables to show for it. This has warmed Oleg up to them considerably, and he promised to allow them to stay in his makeshift inn free of charge while they prepared to explore the Stolen Lands.
Oleg's Trading Post
A map of Oleg's Trading Post in the northern Stolen Lands


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