Adapt // Overcome

My body is my template.

My job is simple, everyone could do it. Fasten screws that grew weary. Sounds easy. And it really is. Simply slide down the massive vat of acid and take a dip. Sounds unhealthy? Not for me. For me it is a pleasant swim or much rather walk. But why am I not concerned, why would I agree to such a dangerous job? And why is my work uniform only made not to get dissolved? Questions that shall get answered by one simple word. Adaptation!
I made my body acid-proof, and rewrote my lungs to be able to breathe 'water'. I made the bones in my feet heavy as steel and magnetic to stick to the bottom and walls of the vat. And yet do I look like your most ordinary feliken.
I am an Adapt, I am a survivor. I am essential!

Adapt // Enhance

The tame way of being a user of this particular school. Self-conscious arcanists prefer to keep their appearance as close to their original form as possible. Even small enhancements like reshaping their eyes to be able to see in the dark are to be only used if necessary.
The body can physically and mentally adapt. The natural elements are a joke, wounds a spoof and torture fruitless. The ultimate defence with limited offensive options. But only as long as they maintain their limiting morals. As the possibilities to go beyond enhancing are powerful. Starting with a partial temporary reshaping of limbs or more ...
"Case 278-Alpha, officer reporting. We lost the subject we got tasked to track down. But we ... experienced something concerning.
I would like to report the existence of a Mutant roaming the streets. My men and I got attacked by one of these Adapts with no remorse to alter their bodies. I-I can still f-feel the tentacles wrapping t-t-*snap*!"
As the body of the last officer hit the ground bowed a monstrous figurine of countless eyes and tentacles down to grab the now homeless walkie-talkie. A distorted voice emerged from the depths of this strange-looking lizard-like being, as if many maws talk at once.
"Attention, couch potatoes. Five men have fallen, and 15 more are about to if I squeeze just a bit tighter. But you may be able to save all of them if you comply with my requests. The girl, you folks are tracking down; for you, she doesn't exist anymore. If I don't witness her being confirmed dead on paper with a signed pager update recommend I to you to order 20 coffins instead of five. The girl is gone, and you go home. We all forget this little mishap. Capiche?"
As the being hears the pager of the dead officer beeping, she smiled a smile of countless teeth, letting her mutations grow back, reverting into the girl they tracked. The officers, who were still alive, were all unconscious due to a lack of oxygen. She looked at the image sent with the update and smirked, whispering to herself.
"What a bad picture. Like that, I don't even need to adopt a new identity. Toodles.~"

The limiting factor of any Adapt is their own comfort with their body, their stand amongst the people and general public opinion. The more uncaring the sorcerer gets about maintaining their image, the more dangerous and unpredictable they will become. The border between an Adapt and a Mutant is razor-thin, but once the arcanist crosses that barrier and changes every molecule in their body will they most likely not want to return any more.

Mutant // Overcome

The first time an Adapt decides to ignore their restraints and embrace the full chaos of mutation will be the last time they will truly look like their original self.
Experiencing a kick out of the gradual optimisation of one's body most Mutants will never crave to return to their former self without force, preferring to remain in a form which gives them the most amount of comfort. The full-body transformation finally shows them the weakness of their own skin, and how frail the mortals truly are. Mutants fall into a consuming desire to become perfect, intangible by the world they are living in. Some even develop god complexes, much to the displeasure of the gods of the Eternal Counsel, who may judge these false gods harshly if they step too much out of line.
"There is nothing divine about a so-called Mutant.
They grow into a grotesque depiction of organic optimisation, to become better than any other mortal. Many-winged beings of countless eyes and abilities, that should not be possible.
And I hear you, my people.
Why are we then still allied to Northwatch, with the mad king being one such mutant? Despite his concerning developments is he aware of his allegiance to the counsel and pledged his everlasting loyalty to Etherium. A valuable business partner."

Venar, Demigod of Commerce
Aquired Through:
Symbiosis with a -todo-
General Name
Adapt // Mutant // Chameleon
Related School
Uncommon manifestation of the gate of matter
Related Element
Strong association to the earth element / Strong association to the water element /
Medicre association to the fire element / Extremely weak association to the wind element
Effect Duration
As long as it is deemed necessary.
Effect Casting Time
Mutations take their time.
Touch based.

Body Alternations

Adapts experience the maybe most complete physical makeover of all symbiotic mages upon becoming an arcanist. The change literally rewrites their entire self and changes the functionality of every organ, blood, bone, and even how their brain works. Their bodies become a walking blueprint of imagination, with the new cells ready to follow every desire the user may have. Some call them Chameleons, with their species shifting as they please.
They grow fur or scales depending on the weather and shift the way their body works from cold-blooded to hot-blooded at will. They may even change their sex if that grants them comfort.
Despite the popular belief that Adapts inevitably turn to Mutants once they start messing with their body, is the true crossing point much more nuanced. Only the full and entire abandonment of what they once were is the tipping point. Chameleons, tasteful looking hybrids of many species, are the controlled path of an Adapt to harness their true potential. To be a survivor, who is in balance with their own.
The philosophy behind the mutation magic is quite an enlightening one.
First and foremost the Adapts. They are scared of their own capabilities, accepting only so much of their powers to even be considered mages in the first place. And yet are they strong in their own right. Having the mental control to pick cherries from the pie.
Then there are the Mutants. Having fully embraced their new self, they lost something along the path, presumingly while having reshaped their brain many times. The mad king is a prime example.
He lives to serve his country and to adapt to any hardship. But lost grasp of all he held close in that evershifting duty to the people becoming more than just a human.
And finally the Chameleons. They care about their mental integrity but are ready to adapt to their definition of happiness. I applaud their willpower, their steady grasp on their own mortality and their beloved.
Mauze Tung, Magic Arcanum

Cover image: by Vertixico


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May 2, 2023 15:29

Very cool power in a tech society where magic and science can intermingle in shapeshifter magic.