Degradation // Aging

As seen in
The power of degradation is a delicate tool, dear sister. I am unsure if I can channel it in a way to turn the destructive capabilities into the blade of a surgeon. It all depends of if I can find a way to cut only that that should be cut, which would be in our case the cancer cells. I … have to meditate on that.

Denton Peritl, aspiring physician.

Labicers are said to be one of the most dangerous mages around. Not because of their powers, but of the high learning curve to not harm everyone one holds dear. A fledgling to that magic is not allowed by law to practice their powers on any living being without getting a permit from a local representative of the Academy. The powers of the untrained are like a waft of ligaments which effects everything it comes in contact with, lingering in the air in an uncontrolled manner. The aging process is unhinged and can’t be stopped in time. And the lack of control over its intensity could cause deadly clouds that could even dust the user, who is resistant against their own powers. Training is key to render this ability useful.

Ripening // Dusting

Bianca was able to gather a few apples for their sparse dinner and presented them proudly to her brother, who had stayed behind in their manhole in the slums. He was trying to clean the muddy sorry excuse of a home keeping their medical books as clean as possible, but the smell of sour apples got his attention and planted a soft smile on his face.
„They are looking delicious but appear still a bit unripe. May I, my dear sister?“
„Of course, bro. I love watching you do this.“
Denton grabbed one apple in each of his paws and let the Veil bellow up in his soul, conjuring up the purple mist of degradation. A controlled shimmer of the glowing power crawled over the apples and laid a thin layer around their hulls. Bianca could watch how his powers slowly ripened these sour apples into their golden age. They were red and juicy and unbelievably sweet the moment Denton retracted his influence. His ability allowed them to get the most cheapest and unripe ingredients to get through their numbing poverty.

Labicers have the power of aging on their side, degrading living and unliving matter via their influence speeding up their life-clocks. The more advanced the user, the more precise can they fathom such aging.
Limiting the area, depth and effect to prevent unhappy accidents of aging something past its prime.
But the intensity of this power can also enter highly corrosive levels, speeding the life-clock of anything the magic touches up to such a degree, that it literally turns to dust upon the slightest contact.
Be it flesh or bones, a blade of degradation will cut through it without any issues, leaving behind only ash and dust.

Preservation // Erasure

Labicers have the option to specialize their abilities in two directions, options that served the Ivory Jack Denton Peritl to discover in 4987 finally an application that could prove useful in the medical world. The focused aging can help organisms to prosper or to cease in a rapid way.
Finding a way to target only singular cells in an organism without damaging the tissue around the target was the key to Denton's cancer research. Through the method of overstretching the ability of a Labicer past the initial gate into the gate of winter allowed the Kobold to encapsule his concentrated destructive aging into bubbles that only pops when having arrived at the destination under the skin, destroying everything in an area before ceasing itself leaving empty space behind.
This focused erasure of everything could also be used in a less destructive way, encuraging the growth of beneficial tissue by accelerating their aging and multiplying. A power to create and destroy.
Aquired Through
Symbiosis with a -todo-
General Name
Related School
Rare manifestation of the gate of devastation
Related Element
Strong association with fire / strong association with water / mediocre association with earth
Effect Duration
As long as the intensity dictates.
Touch- or Trap-based.

Body alterations

The symbiosis with the arcane animal rewrites only a few aspects of the Labicer's body to assure a healthy usage and resistance against their own abilities. Labicers seemingly don't age, staying for as long as they are alive in their youthful prime. But despite the common myth that Labicers are pseudo-immortal, are they still aging at a normal pace. This magic does not grant an extended life expectancy in the literal sense. But keeping the body in its prime cause Labicers to live more healthy even into their old age. Even in their last years will they still look like a healthy young god, experiencing no muscle decline nor signs of old age like an aching back.
Labicers are immune to the effects of aging and therefore can bear the exposure to their own misty magic as well as cladding their bodies in the degrading Veil essence.
"Denton will serve us well as Ivory Jack of the Triumvirate. His albino physique is impressive and will be a beacon of inspiration for as long as he lives.
A youthful incarnation of war and peace, able to represent us. And his cleric sister as well as his medical staff make sure that his sensitive skin will never give in to his most dire enemy, the sun.
The first Jack to laugh at the sun, despising to remain in the cold shadow."

Silver King So'teyo

Cover image: by Vertixico


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