Earth // Construction

"I won't talk around it for too long. We ... wouldn't exist if not for Geomancers.
Look around, take in the unique geographic intrinsic of Leaston or watch how Herric got built like an upside-down pyramid. These are no natural environment structures, these are works of art created by the master builders that were our ancestors.
They made the land hospitable and our culture unique and interesting to explore.
So, let me propose a toast to the historical Landcrafters. Cheers!"

Silver King So'teyo van Almmond

Terraforming is a good job. It's challenging work, and you get out and around. It is a guarantee that one will never go hungry - Because at the end of the day, as long as there are people left on the planet, someone will want something built.
Geomancers are amongst the most asked jobs, one that is at the same time a profession and a school of magic. Everybody knows, that if one decides to undergo symbiosis to gain the power to move the earth, they will never have any issues finding a profession for themselves. Be it above the ground creating foundations, paving roads or working fields for the next harvest. Or be it below the surface mining resources, creating tunnels or hollowing out cellars. Geomancers are and always will be an essential part of most areas all around Prius.

Terraform // Earth mastery

The magic of subjugating the earth is a very slow one, requiring much concentration. Speed is a thing for the pros of the pros, a part of this magic that usually gets abandoned in favour of sheer control over the soil. Who needs speed when one can affect everything around them, having control over the form and firmness of the very ground below them. A geomancer is a one-person fortress, able to excavate quicksand moats, erect walls of dirt and stones, and create an area they alone dictate over. As much as they are asked in times of peace are they required in cases of war becoming necessary in cases of sieges, erecting camps or reinforcing chokepoints.
Elendra's Elendsklingen were able to operate independently from the Nemthian army because of their set of skills. Having access to two Geomancers amongst her subordinates allowed Elendra to set camp wherever she pleased. A reinforced mobile base allowed her to operate away from the prying eyes of Nemthi, interrogating and converting enemies. At the same time, rescuing spent Clerics from Nemthian's own cruel doctrim. The mobile earth fortress of Elendra became a symbol for moral amidst the cruel 100-year wars, eventually achieving the respect of both sides to act freely as long as they didn't interfere and pick sides

Art of speed // Dryad's teachings

As much as the bombast abilities of geomancers are impressive and useful, as restrictive is that focus on area control to perform actions of quick thinking and reactive manoeuvres. Thinking small is an act that goes against everything Geomancers get taught at the Arcane University. A minimal impact on the surroundings while achieving maximum affinity with one's own body.
The teachers of this far different set of skills are the arcane nature guardians of the very earth, Dryads. Dryads are focused on preserving nature and therefore use their ability to influence the earth only to create without destruction. Their teachings are subtle but effective, training their protegees to embrace a monk-like fighting style of earth-supported martial art. Maintaining balance while taking away the trust in the ground below for the adversary. The martial art of tripping, restraining and distraction using earth bindings, hobbles and dust- or pebbles-supported blows as well as kicks may be looked down upon by any serious brawler as cheap tricks. But that impression will change if they are laying on the ground, limbs submerged, looking up to the pebble-monk.
Aquired Through
Symbiosis with a -todo-
General Name
Related School
Uncommon manifestation of the gate of autuum
Related Element
Full association with the earth element / mediocre association with the water element
Effect Duration
Until someone undoes the environmental damage.
Effect Casting Time
Slow and dependant on full concentration
Visible range, has to touch the surrounding ground.

Physical Alterations

Unlike many other abilities comes the art of subjugating the very ground below with only the most basic of physical mutations. Besides a slight increment in the sorcerer's overall toughness to counteract the hurtful slipping up when the earth fights back the only really notable symbiotic mutation heightened senses and a second transparent lid to protect the user from dirt particles.
Geomancers have a high awareness of being able to react at all to incoming danger with their slow powers.

Avatar of Earth

"You take care of the small fry!
I will then CRUSH the competition!"

As it is the case with all elemental magic of a full association is a Geomancer able with training to give their spiritual partner a body for themselves.
The power of the elementals is their ability to fight not only with two souls but also with two bodies. Golems of the earth element are made of dirt and rubble and predestined to protect their host while they prepare impactful spells.
Golems prefer to appear bulky and formless, a representation of an absolute tank. But outside of danger, they prefer a near-flimsy statue, primarily using rocks and pebbles to create a skeleton-like appearance devoid of wormy dirt. After an elemental decides to rely on their golem for the first time the spirit only reluctantly gives up the acquired body again, feeling the combined prowess of the superior mind of their host in combination with a body of their own Veil-energy.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Oct 15, 2023 14:25

Great spellbook, this gives me so much ideas of my own elemental magic. And I like it, if you use german words or words similiar sound of german word for example "Elendsklingen" or "Kobold".

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Oct 15, 2023 19:01 by Soulwing

Thank you. The main goal of my spellbook articles is to give a nice overview over the 'common use of the ability'. Thing is my magic system promotes creativity thanks to the ability to overstretch your access to your Gate of the Veil, passing over to different gates with logic and imagination. If it is for some reason logical to pass from the gate of autumn (earth) to the gate of devastation (poison) one could unlock the ability of taking advantage of pollution to enhance one's golem with a poisonous or dissolving impact. Creativity is the game. :3   And thanks. In case of the Elendsklingen I searched for a way to give Elendra a person cult name with war roots. And her converted followers raise their blades to Lady Elend.

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.
Oct 16, 2023 17:50

My goodness, this is so cool, I love this idea of logic and creativity working together.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.