Gas // Chemistry

"This is it, my final outrage!
Do you know what I am holding in my hands?
Yes! The formula to turn the air into a fiery armageddon!
C! 3! H! 5! N! 3! O! 9!
This is my everything!"
Last words of a Formulist

Weave // Dissect

Everything in the world can be boiled down to an assortment of formulas and the Formulist can alter the existing, and create gasses from scratch. The so-called weaving process appears to others as them writing a formula with an invisible pen into the air. Glowing letters appear, connected by a net of strings, often simple, sometimes doubled or even tripled. They however have to abide to one condition to not misfire their weaving. The formula needs one atom present in the space of its release. That atom will then get modified by the means of the Veil adding non-existent parts to the molecules.
The air of Prius consists of nitrogen, oxygen, argon, neon, krypton helium, hydrogen and minuscule traces of Zabrit. If the formula includes one of these, the spell will succeed and starts spreading out after the caster's set timer has run out.
But what can be weaved, can be dissected as well. The craftsmanship that has to be learned, is a dangerous undertaking. You have to possess precise knowledge about what you want to split apart or you set yourself up for failure releasing dangerous radicals. If you want to render poisons harmless, first find out what kind of poisons got used.
To prevent Formulists from reverting the poisons used by assassins, it has become the rule, that every poisoner mixes their poisons themselves adding boobie-traps to the formula.
"You got poisoned? By whom?
A member of The shadow conglomerate...shit.
I can't help you...i know the poison, but the guild is notorious for its anti-formulist efforts...I am sorry.

Hopeless Formulist

Miracles // Comedy

Skilled Formulists are a rare sight and often bask in the attention they receive. Having mastered the art of flashy writing and stage performance they use their skills to earn the undivided attention of the unknowing. In earlier times made Formulist conquistadors usage of that knowledge to appear as miracle workers to the less developed nations turning water into wine or setting the air ablaze.
The feats of comedic spellcasting got popular quickly and many Formulists with a funny bone decided to follow that calling creating a subgenre of comedy, that is always well received.
Aquired Through
Symbiosis with a -todo-
General Name
Related School
Common manifestation of the
gate of devastation
Related Element
Strong association with fire / strong association with air / mediocre association with water
Effect Duration
Highly dependable of the outcome.
Effect Casting Time
Based on the complexity of the formula to design, the process can take from seconds to many minutes.
Spreading corruption of roughly 2-5 meters. User has to finish and release the formula in its epicenter.


The symbiosis comes in this case with a slight hardening of the sorcerer's skin boosting all resistances by a noticable degree, with a slightly higher blast resistance to prevent novice Formulists from immediatly exploding themselves failing to listen to their symbiotic partners spiritual assistance.
Gas spirits are notorious for overcomplicated explanations being much more strict than the strictest professor around. After all does your and their survival depends on you getting the formulas right.

"I think I understand.
Let me test it out!"

common last words

In 2387 used the famous Nemthian conquistador, the Kobold Urix Ixitl, his newly discovered formula of turning water into wine to impress the feline tribes of Stiria. The elders were overwhelmed by his feats with him turning a whole lake into fine red wine, and the tribes celebrated, in consequence, the first 'red ritual' in Urix's name. He became an honorary leader of the tribe and eventually decided years later to permanently move with other kobolds to Stiria founding the first kobold tribe of the savanna, the Uricans.
Today the tribes celebrate twice a year the 'ritual of Urix', a peaceful gathering of representatives of all major tribes using the knowledge of the kobold to produce wine all day and night drinking the blood of their fallen comrades honouring them with speeches, with the Urican tribe concluding the ritual with a prayer to Saint Urix.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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