
History & Usage


Initially, a pretty rarely used Metal, only necessary to act as space-saving counterweights, the ore got increasingly important for the country led by the gods; Etherium
After Terminus, the Omniscient bought up 1.000 tons true weight Graviton in 2000 AS for a cheap price, all deposits were suddenly spent and the price got bloated up.
When the issues started happening with Scamall's gravity shifting greatly, a constant supply of Graviton pendulums were necessary to keep the city at a breathable height.
The situation got so dire in the following millennia, that Etherium waged wars against other countries to gain access to their remaining deposits via after-war repair payments.
But eventually, even that didn't pay out anymore and Etherium had to reside on trading agreements instead.
Especially with the Duvarins. Being a nomadic tribe knowing how to reliably beat the Scorching Sands digging out and transporting Graviton ore from below the sands, the Nomads had some real power over the Eternal Counsel.
Power they however didn't abuse due to their more than bad relations with the Duvarians, Etherium was in constant war with.

Instead, both parties agreed to a continuous contract to regularly extract enough Graviton saving Scamall in exchange for a colossal yet stable price.


Trade & Market

Formerly an ore commonly found all over the world, the need of Etherium to acquire as much as possible to prevent Scamall from flying into outer orbit, caused large scale excavations all over the world exhausting most of the Graviton mines present on Prius.
As of 4998 AS, the remaining ore deposits gets now primarily used by other countries as a method of controlling Etherium forcing truces in exchange for the super heavy metal.

The last enormous natural deposit on Prious is located in unknown places in Duvara, places only the Duvarians have intel of. They harvest just enough of the ore to keep the flying city levelled, selling it to the Eternal Counsel keeping the price astronomically high.
"25%! We are spending a fourth of the counsel's yearly budget to buy Graviton.
We wouldn't be in that situation if your blasted moon-brain wouldn't have needed a Graviton core, Terminus.
You just had to take 60% of Prius natural Graviton deposits to form the core of your artificial moon!
Ok, remain calm, Venar, just as you practised.
Terminus, I expect of you to lower your budget maintaining Konesans or mitigating it through your church; we can't afford it anymore to spend a further 50% of our reserves on your brain alone.
I refuse to increase the taxes letting our people bleed for keeping what should be given.
We need the Graviton, or Scamall will be toast.

Venar, Demigod of Commerce


Arbitrary high due to Scamall's dire need to aquire more and more Graviton.
Current price per chunk 1.000.000 credits
Exceedingly getting rarer
Greyish Black
Boiling / Condensation Point
4000 °C
Melting / Freezing Point
1500 °C
Common State
Related Species

True/Total Weight

Graviton is a superheavy solid steel-like metal possessing some quite unique abilities.
Based on the Refinement state, the total weight of the ore can get multiplied quite a bit rendering even a small pebble to be unliftable by normal means.

1 kg true weight graviton:

  • 1.000 kg total weight (Ore)

  • 10.000 kg t.w. (pure Graviton, unrefined)

  • 100.000 kg t.w. (Refined, 50% purity)

  • 1.000.000 kg t.w (Refined, 99% purity)

  • Cover image: by Vertixico


    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jul 26, 2021 19:24 by Avalon Arcana

    Oh....oh wow that is expensive. I was going to offer some of my own money to help they buy it if they needed but 60 cents probably wouldn't help.   The quote at the end is a nice touch, it really adds to the sense of need and the absurdity of the price. Great article :)

    You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
    Jul 26, 2021 20:03 by Soulwing

    Venar regretting signing up to be a demigod of the counsel.   „This is way too much for my stingy heart to handle on a constant basis…good thing our hearts, our engines are purely mechanical and therefore replaceable. Further expenses…“

    Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.