Poison // Addictives

"Afraid you are now in my paws, which means the hands of my master the Showrunner.
The poison I made you swallow, well it will not kill you outright, so don't freak out.
But you will be craving more tomorrow, crawling back to me for yet another shot.
And this need will remain until I will cleanse you again, sucking the addictives back up.
Now back to our agreement, I want you to do us a solid.~"

Avola, left wing of the Showrunner

Becoming a Toxicist means from the get-go, that they are not planning to use it to do any good. Undertaking a symbiosis with the plague-spreading arcane Rattexs requires much willpower from the future Toxicist, beginning in the first place to even sympathise with these toothed monsters. Poison is only considered an uncommon variant of the Gate of Devastation due to how rarely people can stomach the fact, that they will share a mind with the foul spirit one of these rotten beasts. But as despised this power is on the surface, as beloved it appears to be in the lawless Underground.

Poisons // Antidotes

Poisons are the juice of betrayal, dirty war and assassinations. Toxicists are on the battlefield notorious for destabilisation attempts or for forcing the enemy on the negotiation table via poisoning the higher-ups. But as medicine advanced considerably in the past millennia have Toxicists fallen out of favour as long as they lack the imagination and craftiness to create unique cocktails.
The poison of one such mage is like a fingerprint, sometimes even a calling card. A unique mix of effects, conditions, resistances and fail saves renders every poison attempt a gamble for medicine to cure. Treating a poisoned is never a safe bet and therefore is it advised to immediately begin negotiations with the boss of the assassin.
Every poison has a cure, and Toxicists are able to not only synthesize the poison, but the antidote as well. Means one thing. If you have been poisoned, do everything but kill the assassin. They may be your only hope.

Additives // Sedatives

"Shh, I am not trying to harm you.
But if you accept my saliva will you have the greatest trip of your entire life. Join me in the wonderland of relaxation.

Not every poison synthesized by a Toxicist has to be an artwork of the kill. There are many harmless or even beneficial effects one can mix into their cocktail to achieve interesting results. Some drinks help you to relax, and others energize and excite your entire persona. There are even very rare combinations that allow for submission of the mind and body to the Toxicist.
But all these special drugs are nothing but harmless if they don't pack an addicting punch. Toxicists can vote into mixing their poisons in an addictive way via sacrificing complexity. An addicting poison assures the victim to return for more shots or they will experience the dire consequences of withdrawal.

Purification // Cleansing

While not an active ability of the Toxicist can these mages use the natural toxicity of their own body to override weaker poisons or even purify bodies from the influence of non-magical toxics. This ability causes many ordinary assassins to have a Toxicist as a poison mixer in their contracts. In a world of walking cures natural poisons simply don't do the job in a satisfactory way. Unless that is exactly what the user has in mind. A scare factor without true substance to back it up. A method of weak torture commonly used by the Shadow Conglomerate, a harmless annoyance to cause psychological terror. A calling card to show that their life is not safe at all and the next unseen dose could be fatal when no Toxicist or Cleric is around to cleanse them.
Then there are the so-called Plague Doctors, who live the life of the mysterious healer with the green glowing hands to subdue any posion.

These beaked quacks seek to cleanse the world and spread their shared poison of belief. All who take the aid of these fanatic lunatics get marked with the Fingerprint of the Lost, a boon of voices long lost and silenced.
"I fear no man. But these kind yet strange souls ... they scare me.
What is their gain? Who is the Lost they keep referring to?"

A flabbergasted Fingerprinted.

Toxicist Avola by Soulwing98
Aquired Through
Symbiosis with a Rattex
General Name
Related School
Uncommon manifestation of the gate of devastation
Related Element
Strong association with water / mediocre association with earth / mediocre association with air
Effect Duration
Depends on the brewed tool of demise.
Effect Casting Time
Synthesis takes 10-20 seconds.
As far as one can toss fluids.

Physical Alterations

Toxicists have a toxic body and persona thanks to Symbiosis. Their blood becomes a touch poison, the most potent supplement they can rely on in a pinch. Sweat and saliva are the primary means of synthesizing their poisons, but also their breath can contain the dangerous mist. Toxicists are walking, plague-bearing, fallout on two legs.
Toxicists are however also known for having a toxic personality. The symbiosis with a Rattex does cause substantial damage to the sanity of the arcanist, causing them to become more unhinged, sadistic and power-hungry. This effect is however entirely dependent on the symbiotic partner. If the Rattex has a good personality or the host a sunny disposition, the symbiosis will result in a mostly intact mind.
Well done, dog.~
You have done your part of the bargain well ... so you expect me to release you from my addictives? How do I put this ... no!
You helped out my boss there, but I am no mere tool. Where is my slice of the cake? You, sweety, you will serve me for a bit longer before I release you.
And don't worry, I will rearrange the effects of my addictives to a more suitable combination for your tasks.~"

Avola, taking prisoners.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Jun 16, 2023 05:58

Fascinating possibilities.