
"Quite a common sight in Duvara.
If you happen to see one of these giant moles try to get them to notice you.
They are gentle giants well aware that the scorching sands are not a place many should set foot on.
In exchange for some nutrients, they will allow you to climb onto their backs to grab hold of their hair.
Bind a strand around your naked arm to maintain always contact with the Tunneler.
Also, it would be advised to wear the gas masks provided with our survival equipment. The Tunneler will get you to the next safe haven, but to avoid the heat they will travel underground burrowing through the very ground.
And no, you cant be sure that they are actually digging holes or just phasing through solid matter keeping the ground intact. But as long as you stay fully emerged in their fur you will burrow as well.

Just enjoy the shortcut."

Survival guide handbook

Basic Information


"Such a plumb appearance, such a graceful execution!"
  Tunnelers appear as building-sized quadrupedal mammals with enormous shovel-like paws.
Their head is pointy and nearly completely covered with thick white sensory whiskers. Where there should be eyes there is nothing but a fur discolouration giving off an illusion of what should be present.
The tail of these massive beasts bears a close resemblance to the rudder of a cargo ship, necessary for subterranean manoeuvring.

The body fur mostly appears as greyish black, but representatives from countries other than Duvara wear warmer brownish colours.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tunnelers are nearly exclusive to the desert of Duvara with some rare cases of major Tunnelers having dug their way across the seafloor to other continents adapting to the climate within a few resurrection cycles.

As the animals of Prius constantly undergo such cycles being lesser creations of the Veil, the population stays the same and as such their geographic Distribution unless artificially altered forcing migrations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tunnelers appear blind possessing no eyes at all, but their physiology allows these giant diggers to 'see' with their hair.
Thick and long wire-like hair cover the sharp snout of the Tunneler allowing feeling everything in front of them valuable milliseconds before collision allowing them to burrow through the obstacle not damaging the structure.  
Our Tunneler courier dropped by a few minutes ago digging through the storage house without stopping.
Everything is intact, not even dust got moved.
But our big boy snacked all its edible content in a single motion.
Always amazed by their local burrowing abilities phasing in just long enough to eat the fruits without damaging the house.
Such precision, such grace!
Scientific Name
Augmenta Terebro
8 - 10 years
Average Height
Evergrowing: Up to 10 meter
Average Weight
Evergrowing: Up to 30.000 kg
Average Length
Evergrowing: Up to 25 meter
Geographic Distribution


Tunnelers are popular in Duvara to visit the cities, altars and ruins located deep within the desert. Domesticated after freshly created by the veil their trust in their holder grows proportional to their evergrowing body size. The mental connection is necessary to allow the Tunneler to transport up to twenty passengers + luggage without panicking regarding the sensual stimulation on their back. It is crucial for the Tunneler to remain calm and focused to not fall into an alternating routine between digging and burrowing. Travelling via Tunneler services are considered the safest way to get through the desert without experiencing sun poisoning.

In the 3800s a couple of Tunnelers got exported to Nemthi to create a seafloor travel method establishing a nature-preserving connection between Nemthi and Scorzosa. These five Tunnelers experience since then a reincarnation cycle within that company.  
"Bobby died last week, but when we were able to locate their reincarnation, they immediately recognized me giving me a friendly lick.
Call me crazy, but I think this is exactly the Bobby I trained, but now with reset memories.
But it seems that our relationship was stronger than the so-called cycle.

Tunneler trainer

Cover image: by Vertixico


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