Victorum Tradition / Ritual in Kiopenem | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Victorum is a popular board game in Kiopenem, especially on the continent of Wechaland, where it originated. Its components are sold in some shops, but it is also common to make them yourself out of wood or other materials. Victorum-boards or avatars of varying complexity are not uncommon homemade gifts.


The game was often played by kids and teens in Achrein, and caught on in popularity due to its fairly simple set of rules and easily replicated components.


  • Everyone rolls a six-sided die. Whoever gets the lowest and second lowest number will be the villains of the game. If the lowest results are involved in a tie, all players involved in the tie become villains. There cannot be more than four villains when the game begins. The remaining players are the heroes. There should not be more villains than heroes.
  • On the board, the villain(s) choose one corner (each) where they will build their layer. The hero(es) begin the game in the centre of the board. The heroes' objective is to destroy the evil lair(s) and reform the villains, while the villains' objective is to turn all the heroes into villains.
  • For a hero to destroy an evil lair, they have to roll the two dice to move their avatar across the tiles on the board. When they arrive at the lair, they can roll the two dice again, and if they score more than the number of villains currently in the game times two, the lair is destroyed. The hero(es) can now attempt to reform the villain by rolling a number higher than the amount of heroes currently in the game while on a tile adjacent to the villain. If they succeed, the villain is now on the heroes' team.
  • For a villain to corrupt a hero, they must roll a number higher than the amount of villains currently in the game times two, while on a tile adjacent to the hero. If they succeed, the hero is now on the villains' team.
  • The villains win if all the players are villains.
  • The heroes win if all the evil lairs are destroyed and all the villains are reformed.

Components and tools

  • 4+ players
  • At least two six-sided dice
  • A Victorum-board
  • Avatars for each player


The game is not commonly played in families with young children, but rather in groups of friends or peers, where the possibilities for joking and strategising are more even.


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