Aegean Gul

Idhredir Mithalvaas (a.k.a. Aegean Gul)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean but toned, especially in his upper body. He's missing his left leg just below the knee. He attaches a wooden prosthetic leg every day. He walks with a slight limp and favors his right side.

Facial Features

Is considered by most to have a very handsome face. He has a tall straight nose, high cheekbones, and an angular jawline. He also sports a perfect set of gleaming white teeth.

Identifying Characteristics

Has a large tattoo of a bird with four outspread wings and an additional set held tightly to it's back, clutching a piece of knotted rope.

Special abilities

Aegean can create Non-magical items from nothing through the power of song.

Apparel & Accessories

When he has the supply, Aegean wears a coal eyeliner.  He loves wearing shades of blue and yellow. He is currently wearing a light blue tunic tucked into a pair of torn tan trousers. He has a leather harness strapped around his chest which various bags and supplies are attached. He is wearing dyed blue, calf high, leather boots with silver soles. The whole ensemble is topped with a half coat/robe. The coat only covers his left shoulder and wraps toward the right side of his waist. It cinches at the waist and the fabric reaches to his knees. The coat is deep blue with metallic thread embroidery and brass studded detail at the shoulder. He wears one earing of twisted scrap metal and the other is a small black crystal bead.

Specialized Equipment

An apple sized magical music box. Three entertainers rotate in the center. The box can store musical instruments.

Mental characteristics


Aegean is attracted to males although he has a sexual history with both men and women. He has chosen to remain celibate for the last 3 years.


Aegean was schooled at home by his mother and father for the early years of his childhood. He was taught arithmetic and literature and was particularly skilled at picking up new languages.


From the ages of 10-19 Aegean studied under and worked for Irene Reese at The lacquered Key in Lothach.

Failures & Embarrassments

Aegean feels responsible for the death of his adopted sister Miri.

Mental Trauma

Aegean desperately wants to sleep. He cannot easily fall asleep and magic cannot put him to sleep. He finds it's easier outside under an open sky.  When his left leg was amputated, he was forced to remain awake through the procedure by means of potions and a repeated command spell.

Morality & Philosophy

Aegean feels incredible uncomfortable taking lives, even in self defense. He tries to work around this by leaving the actual killing to the more experienced party members.  He has a habit of throwing/giving money away as he thinks he is not deserving of wealth.


Aegean becomes very upset when he see's mind manipulation magic in use.

Personality Characteristics


Aegean hopes to never see his "family" again. He will run as far as he can to avoid them.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves fresh fruits and vegetables, especially strawberries. Though he liked the idea of becoming a sailor when he was younger, he has since discovered that long journeys on the sea make him feel quite ill.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
21/6 177 AR
Parents (Adopting)
Deep Teal, Sharp
Dyed Salmon Pink, Long and Wavy, Often worn in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown skin, Freckled
140 lb
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Galigonian, Goblin, Giant, and Ithilian Elvish (although his pronunciation is a bit off).


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