Dr. Fawke's Traveling Tower

This tower is a temporary magical construct created by William Fawkes. It takes nearly any form that William wishes and is often used as a travel home for the doctor and his companions.  

Common Rooms

These rooms are common inclusions when William creates his tower. Each is 10x10 in size.  

Private Study

A solitary desk sits at the far end of the room. The desk is neatly arranged with a stack of blank pieces of paper, candles for light, a tea kettle with a burner. In the drawers are tools for precisely drawing geometric shapes and patterns, weights and balances, and basic alchemy tools. On the wall above the desk is a large stained glass window of 7 stars over a rising sun, depicting William's devotion to both Wirisil, the Goddess of Magic, and The Morning Lord, the ancient god of Barovia where his fiancee is from. The floor is made of stone with grooves carefully carved to act as guides while creating magic circles using chalk. The two side walls lined with bookshelves which, while filled with books, are all currently empty.  

The Library

This room acts as William's private collection. The walls are lined with book shelves. The middle of the room has several chairs and cushions for sitting. A small chandelier provides bright candlelight to those reading. The shelves are completely filled with books. The vast majority are empty. A few have been filled out by William and his guests. They consist of either original works or books that were meticulously copied to add to the collection.  

Books in the Collection

Lightkeepers Vol. 1: Barovia written by W. Fawkes
A first hand account of events in Barovia as told by William Fawkes including rough sketches of maps, descriptions of landscapes, cities, people he encountered that left an impression, creatures and monsters, and the adventures he had while there. Most of the accounts take a strictly factual stance with the exceptions of Ireena and the Martikovs in which his affection for them is clear. There is an additional section at the end addressing what William believes Van Richten's perception of monsters to be from having read his book and spoken with his disciple. William adds his own thoughts stating that, in his personal experience, the "monsters" that are related to humanoids are no more monstrous that any human would be in if placed in a similar situation and that he believes they are a product of their nurturing and not their nature. He points to people like the Martikovs and Escher who Van Richten would have killed without hesitation but are none-the-less good people. He also remarks back to his encounter with the vampire spawn who wished to be slain, noting that perhaps in the early life of these "monsters", they cannot control their baser instincts, but they maintain their consciousness and "humanity" as well. William states his belief that given a chance, these people will learn to control their animalistic side as Escher did and as all humans do throughout childhood and adolescence.   The Life of Kolyan Indirovich as told by I. Kolyanovich and I. Fawkes, collected by W. Fawkes
A collection of stories with Kolyan Indirovich as the subject. These stories were told to William by Ireena and Ismark when the three visited Kolyan's grave. Ismark a short time later told William more of Kolyan, focusing on his relation with Ireena. How much he cared for her and tried to give her a good life and to keep her happy. William added to this a hand written note from Kolyan that he found upon first arriving in Barovia warning of Strahd and talking of the danger he posed to Kolyan's daughter Ireena.   Annotated Van Richten's Guide to Monsters
Van Richten's Guide to Monsters, hand copied by William Fawkes. Space was left to allow for annotations. William has added his personal accounts to those of Vampires, Werebeasts, Hags, and Spirits. In regards to Vampires and Werebeasts, William notes that he believes the creatures are wrongly considered to be "monsters". The early days of their transformation may be plagued by death, but he believes that they end up the product of nurture and not nature. It is how they nurtured during their "adolescence" that truly decides if they maintain their humanity or become the monsters most believe them to be.  





Special Rooms

These rooms were created for special occasions. They tend to break the standard room size of 10x10 by combining multiple towers side by side to create larger rooms.  


This room consisted of a 20x20 dance floor, 10x10 section for musicians, and a 10x20 lounge for socializing. William held a ball here following the defeat of Strahd in which his close friends from Barovia were invited. During William's final dance with Ireena, he guided her to the middle of the dance floor where he created an illusion of tree branches spreading across the ceiling covered in sakura blooms with moonlight shining down between the brances. The flowers slowly began drifting towards the floor as he proposed to her.


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