The Battle of Two Banners

Military action


Jealous of the rich natural resources that allowed the Goliath tribes to thrive in the harsh Sorian winters, the splintered orc and goblin hordes united under the banner of the ferocious warchief Mok'Thaw and marched against the Goliaths.

The Battle of the Two Banners marks a significant moment in the history of the Goliaths of Sor. Jealous of the natural resources that allow the Goliaths to prosper during the harsh winters of Sor, the orc and goblin hordes united under the banner of Mok'Thaw, a powerful and fearsome orc warchief. On Mok'thaw's command, the hordes marched East towards Isulv territories.   Realizing that the Isulv could not withstand the threat alone, Hovd sent word to his new allies in the Eland. With their aide, the Frostbjorn were rallied and the three great tribes stood united under a single unified banner. Though tensions were high between the Isulv and Frostbjorn, the Eland kept the forced united. Skilled tacticians, the Isulv commanded the united forces and expertly laid ambushes to counter the advancing Mok'Thaw hordes. Vast in numbers and even greater in strength, the Frostbjorn made up the majority of the fighting forces and brutalized the enemy.   Conflict persisted throughout the day and long into the night. Brennende Eland-Isulv, daughter of the Eland, Matron and commander of the Isulv, did not find glory on the battlefield that day. Rather, she lay in the throws of childbirth. Her own war-cries calling for the glory of Krahkten to bring victory to her people.   Brennende gave birth to a son late into the night. By the distant roars to Krahkten, Brennende knew the Goliaths had found victory. Believing that Krahkten had watched over them all and witnessed their glory, the boy was given the name Valgt, meaning "Chosen" in the ancient language of giants. It was in that same moment that Hovd Isulv defeated Mok'thaw in single combat. The orc's head cleaved from his shoulders. Though victorious, Hovd emerged from the fight gravely wounded.   It would be some time before the Patron of the Isulv would recover, but he would never hold the strength to fight again. His body broken and crippled from the fight. The Goliaths suffered many losses, and many of the minor tribes, upon finding they had too few members remaining, joined the major tribes. For every slain Goliath, however, a hundred orc corpses littered the frozen plains along with countless more goblins. The location of the main battle would come to be known as the Fields of Red Ice as even to this day it maintains a crimson hue.

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