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Circles of Hikori (Hick-or-ee)

A religious movement centered on community and connection with nature, the Circle of Hikori, or Thorned Circle, is active throughout Kizudo and strives to maintain harmonius relationships between communities of mortals and spirits.


Often centered around shrines or temples, the Thorned Circle's hierarchy has minimal impact on it's operations. Status within the organization is often drawn from experience, age, spiritual power and connection with various spirits. Various spirits cooperate with the organisation, First Beasts and Spirits of the Land, but their role varies widely between the different circles and spirits.

Ascendant Sage

The Highest Rank in the Circles of Hikori, an Ascendant Sage is someone who has attained complete harmony with themself, the natural world and the Spirit Realm. They are very powerful, roaming the land teaching their wisdom and helping Circles with whatever they may need. Hikori was the first of these.  


The spiritual and practical guide of a Circle, the Elder leads their circle in various rituals, organizes festivals, and coordinates missions in times of strife. They are usually the oldest member of their circle, but exceptions can be made for those much wiser or more spiritually connected than their peers.  


Negotiators between spirits and mortals, intercessors are priests with a particular connection with the Spirit Realm. They work to cleanse spirits of corrupting influences, ask spirits for guidance on mortal's behalf, and create and maintain sealing spells on prisons for dark or destructive spirits.  


Guardians of nature, they are the Thorn's main military force. They mainly work to protect endangered sites, shrines, and spirit prisons.  


Scribes, storytellers and artists, Keepers record and share the events of the past through song, dance, writing and art of various mediums.


The Thorned Circle is very diverse in it's membership, leaning into the old traditions of it's homes across Kizudo instead of trying to force an outside perspective. They are known to be very bold and blunt, down to earth but encouraged in their passions. They are very community driven, often working alongside their local villages on projects. They are often consulted for medical help, spiritual guidance, and construction projects to ensure that they won't be disruptive to the environment.  


Passion: Embrace your emotions and instincts, find what stokes your heart's fire and pursue it.
Reverence: Show respect to nature and the spirits, be mindful of your impact on the natural world around you.
Tradition: The past is the greatest teacher, we must ensure it’s lessons are not forgotten.

Relationships to Governments

  • Shogunate of Kazanshiro: Friendly but strained, as the Shogun struggles to balance the opposing forces of the Circles and the Spires which pull the nation in opposite directions. Tradition vs Progress, Order vs Passion, Nature vs Nurture, they can't seem to agree on anything. The clans are divided in their support, as the Hill, Stone, Frost and Monkey are staunch supporters while the others focus their loyalty elsewhere. The Emperor is a staunch supporter, as the spiritual head of the nation.
  • Council of Isamaru: Very friendly, all the Houses of Isamaru were founded as circles of druids first and most Isamaran citizens are aligned with their worldview. Artifice and industry have been a cause of great pain and suffering throughout the land, giving them little reason to turn from the old ways.
  • Pearl Pact: Neutral, they appreciate their reverence but not their deep ties to the Seizan Spires and their unneccessarily restrictive laws.
  • Emerald Alliance: Most of the Alliance's Dragonlords are deeply reverent and fervently support the Circles. Especially as the Pact has aligned itself closer with the Spires they work to set themselves apart by being traditional, reasonable rulers who honor the Gods and are ordained by the heavens to rule Doronuma.
  • Crane Concord: Many in the Concord are wary of the Divine after The Drowning, which causes many to worship the Gods more out of fear than love. They view the Gods as dangerous entities that need to be appeased and used to their advantage, not benevolent granters of bounty. They don't take anything from the Gods for granted anymore.
  • Chamber of Five: They have a very friendly relationship with the Circles, as the only reason the city is the verdant oasis it is is because of rituals
  • Court of Crows: They have a tense relationship, as generally the Circles hate everything about Renri. They hate their usage and proliferation of pre-war tech, they hate their parasitic relationship with the leviathan in the city center and they hate their grotesque fucking puppet shows. But they can appreciate their resourcefulness and preservation of old temples and their reverence for the Gods, particularly Kairi.
Miyo Bannerbreaker is a female hobgoblin conquest paladin who opposes the passive conciliatory tactics of Ascendant Sage Rosethorn and other elders within the Circles, favoring a direct and often destructive approach against the enemies of harmony. Her followers within the Circle of the Shattered Chain sabotage and destroy war machines, power plants, foundries and factories they believe are hurting the community. They are particularly active in Kazanshiro, Isamaru and Wastes as they haven't taken a side in the Doronuman Civil War and don't wish to upset the balance of the conflict.

Public Agenda


Harmony with the Spirits: Venerate the Kami and ensure the local spirits are happy and safe.
Safeguard Nature: Protect nature from the overreach of civilization, rampaging beasts and spirits. Help communities live in harmony with nature, not in opposition to it.


Various priesthoods, shrines and temples have existed across Kizudo since mortals could first speak, but it was only in 140 AD that the wandering monk Hikori began to link the various shrines together into a shared identity. Hikori had achieved Enlightenment, attained complete harmony with themself, the natural world and the Spirit Realm. They had a vision of the future, of great loss and change, and sought to preserve the traditions of the various temples. It was only a century later that Hikori's fears would come to pass, with the automatons slaughtering  the Arashi Clan's forces. Throughout the time of strife that would follow the Thorned Circle would form, keeping the roots of the World Cradle out of irresponsible hands and seeking to safeguard the land, it's people and it's creatures from the wars destruction. After the Sundering in 317 AD the Circles would work to preserve the communities, mitigating the harsh weather that would otherwise wipe them out. They also guard the Maw of Oyobi, ensuring the mysterious portal is allowed to continue it's strange work and that none are hurt by it's warping magic.

Tenets of Faith

Understanding of Self: You are perfect as you are, all the instincts and impulses you were born with. You must look deep within and understand who you are and what you want, what you need to thrive. When you understand your passions you should share them with your community and seek out mentors that can help you grow into what you were meant to be. Always listen to your heart, who you are may shift over time and you must remain true to yourself.
  One Part of a Whole: You are but one leaf on the vast tree of life, you must listen to the world around you and see how you can help it. Live as a servant to others, for through serving others you serve yourself. Help your neighbors,  tend to animals, sow plants and nurture them. Enrich the world with acts of kindness, and seek to heal it from acts of violence. Find joy in growth, satisfaction in your handywork, and appreciate the little things in life.


Meditation: Go outside, or by a window in cold times. Sit and breathe. Empty yourself of all worldly concerns and connect with the nature around you. Hear the trees rustle and sway in the breeze, the singing of birds and the flowing of water. Do this a few times a day for a few minutes at a time. You must remain connected to nature.
  Exhaltation: Usually after meditating as a group, observe the grandeur of nature and feel it's power. This is often done at sites of great natural beauty or power such as waterfalls, rivers, mountains or in the prescence of spectacular animals or plants such as very large trees or animals.
  Artistic Offerings: Create works of art. They may be depictions of nature, scenes of life, historical or mythical events, or abstract. Bring them to shrines, either within the home, within towns or in temples, and offer them to the spirits. If a spirit really likes your art it may grant you a supernatural gift, but do not expect anything in return. Make art regularly and display it within your home, take pride in your act of creation.


Generally the Elders guide the faithful, granting guidance whenever asked for. They are often chosen by the local spirits, or by vote of the circle, but they don't usually change often. The Elder wears robes or armor with the Thorned Circle insignia and other symbols of the local spirits. 
  Some Circles have an Ascendant Sage, an ascetic who pursued a deeper connection with the fabric of the world. To become an Ascendant Sage you must let go your earthly tethers, and become one with nature. It takes extensive meditation, introspection, and training often under masters both mortal and spirit. The final test is to be submerged within a Spirit Cleansing Bath, a process used to cleanse spirits of negative energy. It is normally dangerous to mortals, as your sense of self and very soul can be washed away if you don't hold fast. If you emerge from the Bath alive then you are considered Ascendant. Ascendant Sages are known to be wise, but cryptic, and are often consulted by Elders for guidance.

Granted Divine Powers

Most members of the Thorned Circle wield the primal power of the divine, but depending on the Spirit they venerate, some may be granted powerful boons. New or enhanced Wild Shapes, fighting styles, spells, and others are often supplied to those who gain a spirits favor. Those that walk the path of the Ascendant Sage gain spiritual power along the path and become quite powerful upon their ascension.


There is no mainstream faith, but many circles exist venerating various spirits throughout Kizudo.

Embrace your Heart's Fire

Gruul Color alignment (Red Green)
Religious, Druidic Circle
Alternative Names
The Thorned Circles
Associated classes
  1. Bard
  2. Barbarian
  3. Blood Hunter
  4. Cleric
  5. Druid
  6. Paladin
  7. Ranger
  8. Sorcerer

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