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Time of Kings

AD means After Divinity.

Fourth Age, The Age of Chains

Monsters enslaved the world
0 AD
  • Various Dragonlords gained dominion over the people of Doronuma and created the Dragonborn and Kobolds in their image.
  • Undead returned to Isamaru, particularly vampires, ghouls and liches. Harnessing the Writ of Rebirth against the people of Isamaru, using them as endless food.
  • Kazanshiro's Giants no longer enslaved humans but still enlisted them as fighters in clashes for territory.
11 AD
  • The First Dragon War began. Fought between The Emerald Alliance led by the green dragon Chikako of the Mossy Forest and the Pearl Pact led by Kazuhiku, the Pearl Prince who was a crystal dragon.
17 AD
  • First documented study of necromancy by Isamaru's mortals.
  • Kasai clan of fire giants and Kumo clan of cloud giants ignite the War of Blazing Sunsets
20 AD
  • First Dragon war ends in an overwhelming victory with Dragonlord Kazahiku's victory and the death of Chikako
22 AD
  • Second Dragon war begins between as Dragonlord Hayate splits from the Emerald Alliance, forming the Azure Alliance and seizing on the weakness of Chikako's heir Ayaka of the Lotus.
26 AD
  • War of Blazing Sunsets ends in victory for the Kasai Clan.
39 AD
  • Izumi Eiko is born. a Grey Heron Aaracockra.
41 AD
  • Isamaran mortals rebel against Lich Lord Katashi in Homura Highlands, sparking rebellion across the land.
42 AD
  • Second Dragon war ends with victory for Dragonlord Ayaka's victory, sparing Hayate and ending the Azure alliance. They begin to construct and train a professional navy.
51 AD
  • Third Dragon War begins between the Emerald Alliance and the Pearl Pact. The Emerald Alliance's Navy, that would become the Moth Fleet, is instrumental in early battles.
59 AD
  • Third Dragon War ends with The Emerald Alliance's victory, and great glory for the Moth Fleet. Ayaka commissions more fleets to be trained and constructed, as do other Dragonlords who take notice of their effectiveness.
63 AD
  • The rebellion is successful in overthrowing Lich Lord Katashi. The Homura Highlands and central forests break free from the undead, but the Kumori Foothills remain under the control of various vampire clans called the Yoru Dynasty.
66 AD
  • Kimiko of the Arashi Clan, descendant of the legendary Chishiro and Sakura, begins to gather power to conquer Kazanshiro.
68 AD
  • The Four Fleets of Doronuma are officially established by the Emerald Alliance, the Moth, Salamander, Crocodile and Crane. The others were founded by various other dragonlords or by mortal fishers. Izumi Eiko is the Captain of the Crane fleet.
80 AD
  • The Kumori Foothills begin their rebellion against the Yoru Dynasty.
86 AD
  • The Fleets are called to the Crane Concord by Izumi, who begin to prepare for revolution against the Dragonlords Dominance. Hanako and Aki, Heirs to the Emerald Alliance and Pearl Pact align themselves with the Concord against their parents.
94 AD
  • The Kumori Foothills overcome the Yoru Dynasty.
98 AD
  • The Arashi Clan form The Valley Covenant with the Ishi and Kufuku, begin their conquest against the Kumo Clan, swiftly forcing their surrender then facing the Tokan Clan.
100 AD
  • The Crane Concord begins war against the Emerald Alliance.
107 AD
  • The Council of Isamaru is established, various leaders of the rebellion coming together.
110 AD
  • The Doronuman War of Independence is over, with victory for the Crane Concord
113 AD
  • Noriko The Negotiator brings Terashi and most of East Doronuma. into the fold, founding the Tiger Shark Fleet.
118 AD
  • Norika brings remnants of the Yoru Dynasty into Doronuma, forming the Bat Fleet and uniting Doronuma.
  • The Valley Covenant defeat the Tokan Clan and kill the leader, Koji.
121 AD
  • The Valley Covenant goes to war against the Kasai Clan
123 AD
  • The Valley Covenant is repelled by the Kasai Clan.
130 AD
  • The Valley Covenant returns and defeats the Kasai Clan.
131 AD
  • The Capital of Doronuma is founded in Yukora.
132 AD
  • The Valley Covenant, including the Kasai Clan, engage the Saru Clan in battle.
135 AD
  • After a bloody war the Valley Covenant negotiates peace with the Saru Clan and Kazanshiro is united. Inazuma, the Silent Tempest, Champion of Saruyama represents the Saru Clan.

Fifth Age, The Age of Founding

Countries were founded and bureacracies established
141 AD
  • Reiko Burei is born to the Kasai Clan, to a clan of smiths. A sickly dwarven child but fiercely intelligent.
145 AD
  • Izumi filled the power vacuum the Dragonlords left behind, taking over their tax network and establishing networks of roads and canals throughout the land.
153 AD
  • Yomiji the Scroll King of Arashi creates a vast bureacracy to rule over and organize the various clans under a Shogun, or military leader, and an Emperor who interacts with spiritual forces. The Shogun oversees various regional warlords or Daimyo who manage their ancestral lands and defend them against monsters.
163 AD
  • Reiko creates prototype automatons, essentially dolls with clockwork parts that can move.
172 AD
  • Jeseto Rasupin is born, a rock gnome.
208 AD
  • Jeseto and Reiko begin collaborating with creating robotic servants that can achieve more complex tasks.
214 AD
  • Jeseto and Reiko succeed in making helper frame drones, harnessing magic crystals called Powerstones as batteries.
216 AD
  • Jeseto settles down with a woman named Kei.
221 AD
  • Jeseto's first son Yoshiko is born.
226 AD
  • Yoshiko gets ill and dies, Jeseto is plunged into grief.
229 AD
  • Reiko invents combat frame drones. Jeseto is disturbed and distances himself from Reiko.
233 AD
  • Jeseto invents sophisticated mechanized prosthetics called Anvilgraft.
239 AD
  • Doronuman spies find the world Cradle and report back to Yukora.
  • Kasai Clan goes to war agains the Arashi Clan for the shogunate, aided by Reiko's new combat frames, the Nendo Clay Soldiers.
247 AD
  • The Kasai Clan demolishes the Arashi Clan, killing the Shogun and claiming the throne. They begin development of more combat frames and using sturdier helper frame drones for costruction throughout the country.
257 AD
  • The Kasai Clan discover the World Cradle and prepare for invasion.
261 AD
  • Doronuma begins infiltrating the World Cradle, but are repelled by O-Moriko.
267 AD
  • The Kasai Clan leads Kazanshiro to invade the World Cradle.
273 AD
  • Captain Norika of the Crocodile Fleet goes to O-Nanami and is given Keimusho the Fathomless Blade, which he uses on O-Moriko. The Curse of Wandering begins in Isamaru

Sixth Age, The Age of War

Sundering War
275 AD
  • War ignites between Kazanshiro and Doronuma, with Kazanshiro sweeping south with a mechanized assualt. The Nendo units were too heavy to manuever in the swampy terrain and were routed.
280 AD
  • Kazanshiro invades Isamaru, and are repelled by various druids, as the Nendo units are dismantled by various traps and entanglements.
285 AD
  • Lighter combat frames called Iron Angels, Tenshi, or Seraphs are developed and deployed in Doronuma. They have lighter steel chassis and wings, they're modeled after insects like mantises, wasps and beetles or humanoid figures with wings. They are very effective and push deep into Doronuma territory.
286 AD
  • Jushi, leader of Doronuma, entered a pact with O-Nanami to enlist the power of leviathans of the deep in return for bringing the head of O-Saruyama's champion and the roots of the World Cradle. The leviathan's retaliation is swift and pushes back, O-Nanami feeding on the death and carnage they cause.
293 AD
  • Isamaru and Doronuma begin contesting the Kumori Foothills and areas along the river. Isamaru is broadly successful in holding territory.
298 AD
  • Heavy combat frames called Shukaku or Harvesters were modified from construction frames used for logging or farming and deployed in Isamaru. They're covered in heavy armor with caterpillar treads, like a tank, and power saws and are very effective against the Druids.
299 AD
  • Isamaru brings in Ghoulcallers, necromancers who channel music to control many undead at once. Six warbands of samurai are killed in one battle as well as all their mechanized reinforcements. (nat 20 vs nat 1 when rolling to see how it went)
300 AD
  • Using runic magic and necromancy to bind the souls of the fallen to robotic bodies, Jeseto creates the first Warforged from his daughter Etsuko who died in battle.
301 AD
  • Reiko develops the Titan Class mechs, the Dragon Engines and Levelers, causing untold destruction.
311 AD
  • Mount Akuta erupts in Kazanshiro, causing great death and suffering.
317 AD
  • In an area contested by the three armies a group of adventurers aided by Jeseto detonate the Sunderer and rip a rift into the fabric of the plane. The Sundering Squall, a magical storm caused by the Sunderer, causes a fierce magical storm that forces the armies to retreat and broadly ends the conflict. Many spirits and demons escape from the rift.
318 AD
  • Furious at Captain Jushi's failure, O-Nanami took Yukora, the surrounding countryside and all the people down into the deep with them and transfigured them into gruesome servants. There was no clear heir to the throne, and so the succession crisis began.
330 AD
  • The rival Ishi clan led a rebellion to overthrow the Kasai clan and establish a new shogunate., with many of the warforged on their side.
331 AD
  • The Anointed are created to help the undead integrate better into Isamaru's society.
358 AD
  • Settlement begins in The Wastes, it is very dangerous but the storm begins to subside
381 AD
  • The Squall ends everywhere but the Maw of Oyobi.
500 AD
  • Shogun Hiraku extends an offer of peace and cooperation, to work together against the rising threat of demons, ushering in a new age...


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