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Meredith Clover

Meredith Clover

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Slender
  • Body Features

  • Scars all around the body
  • Tattoo of the symbol of the nameless one in right shoulder
  • Tattoo of Flaming spirals rising from the base of the spine to her middle finger on her left hand
  • Tattoo of vines raping up the right leg with thorns and roses on it
  • Tattoo of Tenticals rapping around their right arm going down to the hand and rapping around it
  • Facial Features

  • Deep Black irises
  • Small scare under left eye
  • Identifying Characteristics

  • Deep Black irises
  • Tattoos and scars
  • Apparel & Accessories

  • Tattered cloak of protection and cloths
  • Onie Mask on holster (white mask with red paint around the eyes and a flame carved in to the left cheek rising to a broken horn on the forehead and on the over side of the forehead the over horn is bends backwards towards the head then bends down and twists to the right eye and it has this giant creepy smile that looks hollow and fack)
  • Weapon Holsters
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Had a simple life in the beginning she was in a village that followed Skolarg in the age before the old gods were seal. As she aged she grow more profiting to combat catting the eye of her god how then made a deal with her that gave her power to destroy army's in his name but he got he eternal servitude and she would do anything no questions ask. after signing this she became a pact holder with Skolarg and his asimar were she destroyed army's in his name killing all the apposed him to the point that even after he was sealed away she kept a hold of her faith leaving her in a weakened stated but she managed to rember his name and had to live a life for nomadic cutler traveling around making masks of devils and demons and using them to hide her identity as she caused chaos like burring down buildings.

    Gender Identity

  • Female
  • Sexuality

  • Bisexual
  • Education

  • Simple education however exiled in all forms of combat and magic
  • Employment

  • After finishing her education joined her patrons army a became his grates soldier
  • Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Won my battles in her gods name
  • Mass war crimes
  • Failures & Embarrassments

  • Letting her gods power be sealed away
  • Intellectual Characteristics

  • Picked up skills in conversations to cause chaos and mayhem
  • Morality & Philosophy

  • Morality what's that chaos is my only Philosophy
  • Personality Characteristics


  • Wanting to free her god
  • Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Skilled with all types of weapons
  • Skilled at magic to do with making darkness and teleporting
  • Skilled in the art of deception and persuasion she can use her words to form chaos
  • Skilled at carving and carpentry
  • Good painter
  • Struggles to follow order that's not set by her god
  • Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes chaos
  • Dislikes order
  • Hygiene

  • Try's to keep self clean but getting dirty means coursing chaos
  • Social

    Religious Views

  • Follows The nameless one but knows the actual name of them which is Skolarg
  • Mannerisms

  • Constantly monitoring the area for if she can cause chaos
  • Speech

  • Can be posh or uncivilised what ever can cause the most chaos or get people a way to be able to cause chaos
  • Alignment
    Chaotic Neutral
    Date of Birth
    1st Day of Spring
    Current Residence
    Deep Black Irises
    Jet Black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    145 Ibs
    Known Languages
  • Abyssal
  • Dwarvish
  • Celestial
  • Common
  • Undercommon
  • The Old Tongue/The Forgotten Language
  • Klagerish

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