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Nojoom is a Loxodon raised amongst and by monks to protect and serve the people in need around them. Nojoom is now considered a folk hero to many due to his many selfless fights to save the people.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nojoom's story begins with him being left at a door of the monastery high in the peaks of the mountains when he was just small, small enough to not be able to comprehend the meaning of being left or for him to remember a life before the monastery. With no trace of who or what could have left him there, the monks took him in and began to raise him and teach him their ways. The monks began to teach them their meaning and their purpose in this universe which was to serve and protect the people of nearby towns and cities which the mountains had over looked. This way, he began to learn to defend himself and others and understand moral and ethical values so he could do his best to save his city. One monk specifically took interest in Nojoom, named Nas, a fellow Loxodon who had also been left and found by the monks at the young age many years before. Nas would take Nojoom for extra training and they gained a mentor to student true bond through this and as years passed began to fight off enemies side by side. However, when doing so, Nas always seemed to want more than just doing a good deed by protecting the people as though he needed power. Nojoom could see with each mission they would embark on, Nas became more and more corrupt with the idea of having power over others. This was truly heartbreaking to Nojoom as this was essentially someone he had seen as a father figure and he was slipping away. A few years passed as Nojoom watched the Nas he knew become more corrupt and bloodthirsty, Nas now went on his own missions and Nojoom didnt dare think of what they could entail. One day, they decided to ead out together, Nojoom saw maybe a spark of how Nas used to be and maybe this could be like old times. However, Nojoom quickly learned this was not the case. They had arrived at a glacier near the mountains they lived on which seemed to have been unexplored. Nas explained to Nojoom that this is where a hidden power lay that they could find, an ink they could use to gain tendrils to help them fight. Although Nojoom seemed suspicious of this idea, he went along with it. Once entering the Glacier, it quickly became apparant that this was the home to something, something deadly. At end of the long winding glacier, the ink appeared and Nojoom and Nas grabbed it and Nas began to create the tattoo on Nojoom's arm. Once completing this, A giant ice dragons crashed down from above and began to attack them. Nas began to talk about this being the real reason he is here, to show how powerful he is and kill the innocent dragon which now started to try and escape the glacier as Nas was killing it. Nojoom then stopped him and the dragon flew out of the glacier. Nas did not take kindly to this and out blindness through rage that the dragon escaped, began to attack Nojoom. Nojoom had no choice but to fight back and this lasted for several minutes until Nojoom accidentally stabbed Nas in the neck with a shortsword. Nas then bled out and Nojoom was left with nothing but his weapons and tattoo. Nojoom realised he had no time to mourn as from the entrance of the glacier, he could see the ice dragon approaching a nearby city, he knew he had to go and save them and stop what him and his mentor had started. Nojoom travelled to the city as quick as he could where he then began to fight the ice dragon with a few guards who all tragically lost their lives during this fight along with a few townspeople, the ones he couldn't save. As more and more people were getting killed, the dragon grew weaker until only Nojoom and the dragon was left where he landed one final blow into the dragons heart and saved the city. It didn't feel like he saved the city to him, to him he just murdered his father figure and a load of innocent townspeople, all for a tattoo. He shouldn't deserve this praise. Word about this saviour Loxodon travelled like wildfire and he received praise the across the land. He became a folk hero eventhough he lied and kept his secret that he was the one who caused the mess in the first place, mourning families praised him while their loss could have been prevented without him but he couldnt tell him. Eventhough the guilt of the secret eats him up inside, he couldnt have the courage. He even still feels guilty about Nas. He tells himself it wasnt his fault when he knows well he couldve prevented what happened, he couldve told the monastary about Nas' corrupt ways. At present day, this guilt still feeds inside him but less than it did before, after 150 years, the guilt begins to fade, but not when he sees that glacier, not when he visits that city as a legend who saved their lives many years ago. Nojoom now lived a life of fame, he was head of the monastery, in control of everything there, people would worship him like he was some sort of god but he was a fraud at the end of the day. This is a secret he would have to die with one way or another, he could not give this up. He knew he was still a good person deep down but he could not bring himself to be honest about what happened that day.

Gender Identity

Identifies as Male, He/him or they/them


Isnt necessarily orientated towards anyone in particular, no labels. He goes through life with the mentality of 'what will be, will be'


Nojoom was raised by the monks and has learnt everything he knows from them. This is from his morals and values, to the way he defends himself and also his historic knowledge.


Nojoom works with the monks on missions to protect the towns surround the mountain the monastary stands upon. He gets payed by the idea that he they are safe and protected as long as he is around. He is also the leader of the monastary after being decided a folk hero throughout the land. He oversees everything that is done in the monastary and the grounds around it such as the missions the monks partake in.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Nojoom's main acomplishment is 'saving' a city from the white dragon which he tries to wear with pride. He also has protected many towns from many things in his lifetime. Another accomplishment is being promoted to leader of the monastary and being renouned as a 'folk hero.'

Failures & Embarrassments

Letting his mentor, Nas, down and not doing more to save him from himself. Unleashing the white dragon. Keeping the secret from his fellow monks.

Mental Trauma

Overcome with guilt with everything he has done and still tries to convince himself that he is a good person. Developed a kind of saviour complex over time and doesnt believe he needs help.

Intellectual Characteristics

Has a great way of understanding people's emotions and is very empathetic due to his time spent helping others. Very couragous when it comes to facing the enemy and understands he has to do anything it takes. He is also very independant when it comes to his own personal battles which can be an advantage or a flaw.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in putting others before himself and well do anything to try and help others. Very selfless when he needs to be. Can accidentally bring out a selfish side of himself when he is in the stress of the moment but doesnt do this intentionally. May accidentally put himself in danger when not thinking about himself.


Due to being brought up by the monks, he tries to prohibit himself from any evil of any kind and when he has to come into contact, he has to destroy it. He may sway from this is necessary but will not go lightly.

Personality Characteristics


Nojoom's motivation comes from just trying to live up to his monk name of helping people and just the idea of helping others inspires him to do what he does and how he acts.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates feeling like he doesnt know what to do in situations and like he has control, also feeling like he can't help others especially. Can get overwhelmed due to this quite easily. eventhough his life involves action, he enjoys being mostly at peace and in nature, where things feel complete, calm and still.


Contacts & Relations

Known across the lands due to being a folk hero and has been gained a lot of respect espcially to nearby towns and cities.

Family Ties

No connection to his actual family, Nas was the closest thing. He now feels like a father figure to those starting out at the monastary.

Religious Views

Believes in some form of higher power out there but overall not sure. His monastary taught him they were put on this earth by someone with a purpose, to protect others and that he was left there for a reason. Everything has a meaning.

Social Aptitude

Not the best at being social however being seen as this public hero, is given a pass for it most of the time however may come off as arrogant to others.


Polite to everyone until he is crossed with Tries to remain calm with people as much as possible.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys music and listening to different sounds. Always had an interest in the composition of music but never got really got the chance to learn.


Rather dull speach, charisma isnt his strong suit. Can seem passionate and strong in some situations. Soft spoken

Wealth & Financial state

Rather rich due to being a saviour of the towns, the monastary is funded by nearby councils due to their protection they display over the towns.

Nojoom the Monk Loxodon, born 10884 ABG, raised by the monks he was left with as a child.

View Character Profile
Neutral good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
'hero' 'Leader of monks'
Date of Birth
The 30th Day of Autumn, 10884 ABG
Year of Birth
10884 ABG 211 Years old
Current Residence
The monastery
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Doesnt have any.
Known Languages
Loxodon Common

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