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Hermes Novachrono

The weakest of the Novachrono Hermes Novachrono (a.k.a. Traveller)

Hermes is the first son of the Novachrono Family. His father is Julius Novachrono and his mother is Lidia Novachrono, his eldest sister Freyr Novachrono and his second sister is Atropos Novachrono, his twin sister is Athena Novachrono and his younger brother is Mors Novachrono. He also had a Personal maid called Raphtalia the Harengon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Slim but muscular build
  • Body Features

  • Ambidextrous but more commonly uses right hand for writing
  • Facial Features

  • Sharp
  • Handsome
  • Identifying Characteristics

  • Emerald eyes
  • Brunette that is long and tired into a bun
  • Family symbol burned into right shoulder
  • Physical quirks

  • When casting magic, eyes turn from emerald green to the colour of the element he is channelling but if the spell has no element they turn golden and red.
  • Apparel & Accessories

  • White and red robes and cloak
  • Neckless of Ares Symbol
  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Hermes name was given to him by his mother who wanted him to travel and explore the world, he grew up in Dragon Breath City which was home to four distinct rings surrounding the emperor's tower in the middle and in general the further in you lived the more privileges you had, unless you were one of the many beastfolk slaves living there such as Hermes' personal Harengon maid Raphtalia, who always helped with school work, got him dressed and travelled everywhere around the city with him, tending to his very few needs, to this day she resides in the city and Hermes has never questioned her prolonged age. His childhood experience only really lasted for about 10 years (which is extremely short for elvenkind who would be deemed mature at the age of 100) and was one of the fondest parts of his life as it was filled with playing in the streets and sandbox with his twin sister Athena, he would also often visit his eldest sister Freyr (who was married off to the Emperors children at the age of 30, still in the same family at the age of 512, likely to become Queen if the Emperor dies) in her house to play with her three daughters and two sons who were similar in age to Hermes (at least for elves with their long lifespans). His father, Julius was not very present during his childhood due to being the right hand man to the emperor, leading to more time spent with his caring mother who he gained his forgetfulness from, during this time of loneliness he learned to cope from fear with the manipulation of fire into small harmless creatures such as a horse or bird which would keep him calm and distracted.   During his childhood he also learned a majority of the rules and customs of the city, with language seeming to be a sign of social status he found that those in the outer rings would speak in mostly common or other languages unknown to him, this was strange to him growing up as he was taught much more well spoken languages, almost exclusively speaking in Elvish to his family and other nobles, he realized the "workers" and lower class people falteringly attempted to do the same whilst speaking to nobles, being taken away by the guards if they did not. In order to survive better in the outside world he was also taught the language of Klagerish which helped him speak with anyone from the outer rings (although they seemed more fluent in common which he eventually learned as well). Language-wise he found confidence in his eldest sister who agreed with him in being less traditional, not caring about the language spoken to them and preferring to get along and fit in with the commonfolk, unlike the rest of his kin. Further general rules of the circles include the ban of magic in the fourth and third circles unless you were picked to join The Imperial Knights College.   Hermes was brought up to believe in the Dreathian Constellation, a large pantheon consisting of gods from various already existing pantheons, scattered across the city were different shrines linking to different types of gods, one he was particularly fond of was the war shrine, and even more specifically Ares, the god of battle, killing and fighting (even though Hermes was not a particularly violent child). Much of his free time was spent watching over the city and learning the guards patterns, finding out that the guards patrol in groups of two except for when they are around the gates to the other rings, the guard seemed to consist of six different groups, and althought this wasn't much these men were elite, but his father did often speak of a possible weaker more common soldier being introduced if necessary eventually. He also always attended the yearly Emperors Parade, a huge event celebrating his birthday on The 77th Day of Spring, this is also where and when any Nobles were granted permission to go adventuring which was a requirement for this class of people. Hermes relationship with the Emperor may even be closer than with his father, seeing him as a grandfather figure and even having a private nickname given to him, The Traveller of the Novachrono.   Upon turning 10 his true childhood came to an end, he went off to train for The Imperial Knights College where he just about through mage training whilst his twin passed the foot soldier training with ease (which most elves spent 100 years completing before training to be a general till between 200 and 250 years old). Due to his father being in the Emperors court he was forced to train as a general and complete his training by the time he was 100, resulting in him failing the final exam after not taking it too seriously, resulting in the punishment of 35 years at a private boys school, which resulted in his eventual learning of Sylvan, which was the origin of the Elvish Language, he also took optional classes to learn Halfling, Dwarvish, Celestial and Draconic, on the other hand Athena climbed the ranks quickly becoming a general, staying very overprotective of Hermes, his younger brother Mors also joined Athena's company and sees himself as far above her, having more weaknesses but believing he should be in charge as he is a male, whilst these family members are part of military, Hermes' middle sister Atropos ended up living a simple life with her husband who was just a simple guard, spending her days watching over her slaves when she could have became the Priest if not for her love. The time at the Imperial Knights College resulted in an attack led by a classmate known as Vaceran Siltaeann, which resulted in a scar on Hermes' right hand.   Upon the completion of his education he went out with a mercenary, with the drawback of his father having plans for him meaning he had 9 people protecting him and doing everything for him, wasting around 100 years of his life as it still didn't even earn his fathers trust. He then resorted to becoming a shopkeeper of a magical item shop, selling to nobles and working under the much older High Elf, Grefina Vero who acted like a grandmother for her, he spent 65 years working here before leaving and being given a enduring spell book by Grefina as she knew he wasn't the best a protecting stuff and would have destroyed his spell book if it wasn't resilient and hoped it could help him get his life together in the big world. Hermes was dedicated to leaving for adventure as all he wanted was to leave Dragon Breath and see the world, for roughly the next hundred years, traversing many environments and many settlements and spending his parents money, during this time he traveled from continent to continent meeting multiple people and using the languages he learned to talk and build friendships as he traveled around the places losing his map as he went so that now he has no clue were he is going.

    Gender Identity

  • Male
  • He/Him
  • Masculine
  • Sexuality

  • Heterosexual
  • Education

  • Homeschool for 10 years
  • Imperial Knight College for 90 years
  • Private Education for 35 years
  • Employment

  • Mercenary for 100 years
  • Magic vendor for 65 years
  • Accomplishments & Achievements

  • None, he is a failure, never seeming to find something he is good at as in his mind his magic is just copied
  • Failures & Embarrassments

  • Failed at the Imperial College
  • Partially failed in private education
  • Morality & Philosophy

  • Believes people should help people
  • Nobles should use power to help the under privileged
  • Personality Characteristics


  • Increase strength and magical ability's to make his father proud and to try and stop him from marrying him off
  • Likes & Dislikes

    Likes - His twin sister, eldest sister and mother Dislikes - His father, younger brother and middle sister as they are all arogent and all have their own goals for him which they try to enforce

    Vices & Personality flaws

  • Too trusting
  • Doesn't remember much so has to write a lot of stuff down
  • Will hide face and gets angry at any mention of his family
  • Hygiene

  • Keeps self clean as nobles should be clean and takes baths as much as possible but is okay getting dirty if it means helping people
  • Social

    Religious Views

  • Follows the Dreathian Constellation
  • Mannerisms

  • Holds and rubs thumb when nervous
  • Speech

  • More well spoken and posh when with family
  • Speaks as close to common folk as possible when with them
  • Has a soft and supple voice
  • Wealth & Financial state

  • Lives off family's wealth but is currently down to 25gp
  • Alignment
    Neutral Good
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    First son of the Novachrono
    Date of Birth
    The 29th Day of Autumn 10759
    Year of Birth
    10759 ABG 336 Years old
    Dragon Breath City
    Current Residence
    Emerald Green
    Burgundy that long and tired in to a bun
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    145 Ibs
    Known Languages
  • Elvish
  • Klagerish
  • Common
  • Dwarvish
  • Halfling
  • Sylvan
  • Draconic
  • Celestial

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