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Personal history

Tanah-who is an old and unliked kobold who was lost on a hunting trip. He was forced to survive alone in a forest until his old tribe forgot him completely. This gave the nameless one the ability to contact his mind and talk to him, and eventually he agreed to let the followers of the nameless one become his new tribe. He now travels the world with little purpose, going with the flow and doing anything asked by his god. He is able to communicate and talk to him god when praying, but will often forget what he was told unless it was relevant to him then. This is due to the nature of the god, not by him having a bad memory.   The nameless one was a forgotten god of old who has taken the domain of controlling and watching over all who have been forgotten. He has control over anything that has been forgotten, including lost children, people who die at sea, etc. Also has very limited control over the souls of the dead, as long as them being forgotten by everyone they knew in life and there is no record of their life (even if they are in another gods heaven). If a follower or creature under his domain is revealed to those in their past life, they will leave his domain and he will loose any control he had over them (hence why many young followers ware masks or conceal their identity). The god himself has been forgotten before and used to hold another domain that has been lost to time. His name and symbol have also been forgotten, and anyone who sees or hears them will immediately forget what they were, but will remember that they were there. This is why he is called nameless. His followers are required to have been forgotten from a past life, and include many introverts, old people, and non-mindless undead (including many liches). His information and nature have been forgotten to time, and are only remembered by the most loyal and powerful of his followers (higher level means more information). He is willing to use his power to prevent people from being forgotten (even if it means they will not enter his domain and he will have no power over them). He is willing to work with and has no problems with both good and evil characters, provided they are under his domain. He is unable to directly influence or control those not in his domain, but his followers are.   When Tanah-Who first dedicated himself to the nameless one, he was given a task. In a dream he was told to travel to a location with a seemingly random group of items. The items included weak magic items, some planks of wood, a vile of sunshine, and some wild mushrooms. He then traveled to the location given where he meet a magic user of some kind, who lived alone in the woods. She opened a portal and let him travel into a new dimension. He found himself in a long forgotten demi plane, which was created to imprison Lord Eniria, who had been trapped in the plane for many thousands of years. According to him, he had been trapped in the plane by a party many years ago and was unable to leave (although others may leave and enter with magic). He had started in a 10ft by 10ft box of stone, surrounded on all sides by seemingly infinite stone. He had found it was possible to scratch the walls with his claws to remove some stone, then remove the dust scratched off though ritual magic. He had been repeating this process for so long, he had created a perfect replica of the city he once lived in, including all buildings and objects that once where in it. He had not copied the people. The city was many miles wide and had a stone roof 100 meters above the tallest building. Tanah-who gave him the items and explored the city for a few hours before being gifted the winged boots (which Emiria had no need for since he had finished the ceiling), and was magicked outside the demi plane. Lord Eniria is a devout follower of the nameless one and was one of his first followers. He is a highly magical paladin and has found a way to sustain himself permanently. He was also a lich before he was imprisoned, but is nothing but a large skeleton now. He is still there now, scratching away at the walls of his stone city.

Follower of the nameless one

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