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History of Klor

The main timeline of historical events on Klor

The time of the ancients

... 314 BL

The Ancients is a term used to refer to the civilizations that existed before the coming of the blood lords.
Virtually nothing is known about this era.

  • -314 AN

    -311 AN

    The blood lords apear and usurpe every throne
    Era beginning/end

    A group of three powerful beings apeared around the area of modern Balan. Through there power they quickly took over the whole world. And through the magic of conjuring they created there own army which kept order in the land

  • -314 AN

    -314 AN

    The Disappearance of the Dwarves (presumed)
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dwarves buried themselves underground in response to the appearing of the Blood Lords

Blood lords

  • 0 BL

    3 BL

    The blood lords apear and usurpe every throne
    Era beginning/end

    A group of three powerful beings apeared around the area of modern Balan. Through there power they quickly took over the whole world. And through the magic of conjuring they created there own army which kept order in the land

  • 0 BL

    0 BL

    The Disappearance of the Dwarves (presumed)
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dwarves buried themselves underground in response to the appearing of the Blood Lords

  • 283 BL

    313 BL

    The great revolution

    Through a set of random events a group of five people were able to accidentlly kill one of the blood lords. This event awoke humanity from its slumber. And a great revolution started. Which led to the defeat of the blood lords

After the defeat of the blood lords

0 BL and beyond

  • 0 ABL

    -1 /-1 0-1:00

    The defeat of the last blood lord
    Era beginning/end

    The blood lords were three powerful beings that took over the world and ruled it for around 300 years A great revolution was able to defeat them. From that event the calendar is being counted from

    Additional timelines
  • 54 ABL

    54 ABL

    The first separation
    Political event

    The first separation is an event where after the defeat of the blood lords the council of lords decided to separate into three parts. The north. which was the area of modern Sirtun, the north Ruik and the kingdom of Westmose and northern Irewichia. Then the south which was modern Takro, middle and southern Ruik, modern Acrur, Burmal and southern Irewichia and Westmose. And the third was the east which was the remainig area except for the in the time unknown island Storm.

    Additional timelines
  • 77 ABL

    77 ABL

    The discovery of Island Storm
    Discovery, Exploration

    The discovery of the Island later named Storm, now the base of the Brotherhood of Storm. It was discovered by a man called Nolin Sea wolf.

  • 86 ABL

    91 ABL

    The second separation/ The revolution of Westmose

    The second separation is a time in history where Lord Olaf Goldmane Decided to break away from the north kingdom. The news were met with disagreement and an army was sent to Thorgaken the capital of the province of Westmose. The attack was defended and the socalled king of Westmose has started a brutal military campaign and after time took over the central province.

    Additional timelines
  • 96 ABL

    98 ABL

    The Torgard and Telkon become one province
    Political event

    A moment in history where the lord Ronkil of Telkon died without an heir. The Lord of Torgard decided to take advantage of situation and offered the people of Telkon a chance to join torgard under his rule. Which they accepted.

  • 98 ABL

    102 ABL

    The Irewichian anger war
    Military action

    After Torgard and Telkon became one state. The province of Irewichia at that time the leading province of the kingdom of the north was afraid of the power that it might hold and so it waged a giant attack on the city of Torgard. Which was not only met by defeat but also with anger from Torgard which separated a few years later.

  • 103 ABL

    106 ABL

    the third separation/ The founding of Ruik

    The separation of Ruik from the southern kingdom happend after the Provinces of Sa-Toknal, Sansate and Ruik decided to become one province and separate from the kingdom of South the Kingdom of south decided to Ignore the Threat of new state and let them become the Kingdom of Ruik. In this event the Province of Torgard at this point very angry at the main province of Irewichia decided to join this new state. And so the almost modern Ruik was founded

  • 109 ABL

    109 ABL

    the first great storm/ the unknown event on storm
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The first great storm is an event when after the return of Dandelion the last ship known to most people to travel to island Storm. Has returend with the words of its captain being ,,We found something, it is powerful from what I can tell. Some people, well not only some most of the Islands inhabitants started to worship it. They sacrificed some people to it. I am not going back" This event is said to be the founding of the Brotherhood of storm. One more ship was sent there that never returned. After that a second ship with a lot of safety measures and a lot of boat to survive whatever happend there. And that is the only description of a great storm that we have.,,I have seen it a great wind raised and our ship flown into the air. We have all been terifed. But we were able to organise ourselves well enough to set down the anchor. It worked for only a few seconds but enough people were able to get to the boats. This wasn't a regular storm for after that a ship seemed to sail in with no problem."

  • 114 ABL

    9 /6
    114 ABL

    13 /6

    Founding of the starwatch

    The Starwatch Knight order was founded by Illton Goldstar. A knight striped of his title and banished from the kingdom of south. He went into hiding inside an old fort. The fort served as a prison in the time of the blood lords. The order was founded years later after three knights from the order of the black stallion were stripped of their title as well and found Illton. They started to call themselves the starwatch knights.

  • 125 ABL

    131 ABL

    The fourth separation/ the war of the East
    Military action

    A great civil war started between the provinces of Ayantogia and Ceyvemir. For four years the war was destroying the land. The war ended with an agreement on separation of Ceyvemir from the kingdom. Tolgerkhon separated shortly after.

    Additional timelines
  • 132 ABL

    136 ABL

    Tolgerkhon and Westmose treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The Tolgerkhon and Westmose treaty was a pact signed by the kings of both countries. This pact served to make trade between the countries easier

    Additional timelines
  • 150 ABL

    170 ABL

    the first person to become a lich
    Life, Supernatural

    It is unknown when exactly the first lich appeared. But the first known lich is Tol.

  • 173 ABL

    175 ABL

    Tol takes over Wiluk
    Political event

    Tol took over Wiluk through a revolution. The goverment was unable to stop the revolution. Most people accepted Tol's rule. Through that Tol and his small army had majority of power in Ruik.

  • 176 ABL

    176 ABL

    reviving of the Wiluk cemetry
    Political event

    Tol revived the whole Wiluk cemetry as an army of undead.

  • 178 ABL

    180 ABL

    10 /5

    Tol wages war with Takro
    Military action

    Tol started the war with attacking the northernmost villages of Takro. He continued moving south slowly. His army of undead was growing after each battle and after each city with a cemetry. He had over 60 thousand undead during the siege of Rakon. He took over Rakon on 10th of may in 180 ABL.

  • 180 ABL

    184 ABL

    23 /9

    Tol takes over the rest of the kingdom of south
    Military action

    From Rakon Tol started a military campaign through out the whole of the Kingdom of South. He took over Turaville on the 23rd of september in 184 ABL.

  • 185 ABL

    185 ABL

    The slaughter
    Criminal Activity

    The slaughter is to this day the greatest atrocity that the world has ever seen an event in which Tol ordered his army to kill every citizen in the city of Blagon and afterwards revived them so he could raid Westmose with a massive army.
    The whole ordeal took five days 
    The first day the army arrived and the slaughter started
    The second day the whole city was in a panic trying to find a place to hide or a weapon to fight with
    On the third day, those who fought were killed and those who hid were found and killed as well
    On the fourth day, the city was surrounded by military encampments and the streets littered with corpses. 
    On the fifth day there were no corpses not a single tent around the city only an army of immense size marched north away from the city.

  • 186 ABL

    190 ABL

    27 /11

    Tol Attacks Westmose
    Military action

    Tol and his army attacked Westmose. His army counted around 100 thousand undead or Living soldiers. The country wasn't alone for the first time during Tol's attacks. And thanks to the Westmose-Tolgerkhon pact Westmose got help from Tolgekhon. The army of Tol defeated both the army of Westmose and Tolgerkhon. And took over Thorgaken and the entirety of Westmose.

    Additional timelines
  • 192 ABL

    193 ABL

    17 /11

    Tol attacks Irewichia
    Military action

    Tol attacked Irewichia from all sides with his army of over 230 thousand undead he took over  Saerul on 17th of November 193.  This sprung up terror in the kingdoms  of Tolgerkhon, Ayantogia and Ceyvemir.

  • 194 ABL

    194 ABL

    7 /12

    The first mage of light appeares/ the revolution of Sirtun
    Life, Supernatural

    Unknown his name the first mage of Light appeared and started a revolution from the city of Sirtun. He obliterated the armies stationed in Sirtun and its surroundings. By the start of December, he disappeared. This slowed angered and frightened Tol enough so he dispersed more of his army into occupied territories.

  • 195 ABL

    25 /1
    195 ABL

    25 /1

    The Dark watch is estabilished

    The Dark Watch h was a group of three people who decided to destroy Tol's phylactery. The three members were Wenceslas of Blatne, Bernard von Blagon and Jofrid Linidottir.

  • 195 ABL

    21 /3
    200 ABL


    The mission of the dark watch
    Political event

    The Dark Watch  started their mission on 21st of march. And after 5 years succeded and destroyed Tol's phylactery.

  • 200 ABL

    202 ABL

    8 /6

    Tol escapes with a small group of living loyal soldiers.
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    After the destruction of Tol's phylactery by The Dark Watch. Tol and a small group of 24 soldiers loyal to him escaped to the Irewichian southern mountains where they hid until they were found in 202.

  • 200 ABL

    29 /6
    205 ABL

    The Loyalists lynch
    Civil action

    Citizens of formerly occupied lands started a capturing and lynching the known loyalists.

  • 202 ABL

    8 /6
    202 ABL

    25 /6

    Tol and his loyalists try to escape by the Rakon river
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Tol and his loyalists run away and try to escape by the Rakon river. But they are quickly blocked from the other side and after that comes the time for the last stand

  • 202 ABL

    25 /6
    202 ABL

    25 /6

    Tol's last stand
    Life, Death

    Tol and his group of 19 last living loyalists made their last stand on the Rakon river. blocked of from both sides and taking attacks from both sides. Tols and his loyalists were all defeated and killed.

  • 203 ABL

    203 ABL

    The sirtun-Irewichia after war conference/Sirtun becomes independent
    Gathering / Conference

    The leaders of the newly established Sirtun state met with the king of Irewichia and his council after 14 hours of negotiation Irewichia admits Sirtun's independence and the state of Sirtun is born.

  • 204 ABL

    204 ABL

    Irewichia Demands repay for Ruik's crimes
    Political event

    The king of Irewichia started to demand for some part of Ruik to be given to Irewichia. The eastern most part of the province of Sansate is given to Irewichia.

  • 456 ABL

    456 ABL

    Tolgerkhon and Westmose federation (the creation of the united Nornam kingdoms
    Political event

    The king of Westmose, at this time Grinnvar Hidirsson, performed a brutal military campaign after the death of the king of Tolgerkhon that lead to him taking the throne of Tolgerkhon and uniting the kingdoms.

    Additional timelines
  • 687 ABL

    695 ABL

    The Nornam civil War
    Military: War

    The Nornam Civil War was a military conflict between the kingdoms of Tolgerkhon and Westmose that lasted for six years. The war was fought so brutally that it weakened both kingdoms tremendously as the war was fought the Nornam way primarily through raids and the battles were fought to the last man. The war ended after King Gudrik Ild-Blod was killed in the battle of Red Port.

    Additional timelines
  • 702 ABL

    702 ABL

    The separation of Westmose and Tolgerkhon

    Westmose and Tolgerkhon separated after the Nornam Civil War. After ten years of a tense peace.

    Additional timelines
  • 724 ABL

    724 ABL

    The founding of the Alliance of Kingdoms

    The Alliance of Kingdoms is founded in Turlov the capital city of Burmal by delegations from the three founding members: Ceyvemir, Burmal and Acrur.

  • 755 ABL

    761 ABL

    The Blagon plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    Blagon Plague took its toll on the world.

  • 758 ABL

    758 ABL

    Westmose sends Delegation to Turlov
    Diplomatic action

    Westmose sent a delegation to Turlov and Joined the Alliance of Kingdoms

  • 976 ABL

    976 ABL

    The Incursion
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The incursion