Alla's Glass Slippers
A pair of slightly heeled shoes crafted from blue glass by an unknown Niholian glass smith. They bear intricate designs all across the upper surface, allowing them to appear to have captured starlight within the glass with every slight movement.
Whilst they belonged to Alla's stepsister and were, thus, slightly too big a fit for Alla, she still wore them to Princess Viktoriya's royal debut, where she encountered her future wife. The shoes were altered some months later by a master glass smith to better fit the now Princess Alla for her to wear on her wedding day.
Like all her personal belongings, the shoes were inherited by her royal children. They currently reside in the royal vault alongside other family treasures.
Princess Viktoriya attributed the shoes as the reason she found her beloved wife in time to rescue her, as without their timely appearance, she might've missed the cellar Alla's stepmother had confined her to.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Current Location
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Whilst worn items crafted from glass aren't uncommon, footwear is.