BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


This rare ability to predict the future manifests randomly in spellsters and is a talent no spellster can ever master due to the erratic nature of the skill. So little is known of the limits when it comes to both manifestation and appearance. Some older texts suggest that the magic behind the ancient people deemed it more a matter of holiness than magical aptitude, attributing the gift to their Goddess of Time, Tempora.   Those who have the ability often cite seeing only the occasional flash of the future. The glimpses they receive are largely of dangerous events that could affect either the spellster in question, beings and animals they hold a close bond with, or places they've grown attached to. The timeframe in which these visions appear commonly leaves them with barely enough time to alter the outcome with a warning or defence. Because of this, those who get the visions often lament that their "gift" is nothing more than their gods toying with them.   Attempts to strengthen the visions or force their appearance have been futile, although those experiments have clearly tied the ability to spellster blood. Albeit, the strength of that spellster makes no difference. Curiously enough, elven spellsters are shown to have a higher ratio of those possessing the talent in comparison to humans, leading to some academics speculating the ability may be linked to elven blood, but there is no solid evidence.


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