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Preserved Elven Skeleton

Discovered by Tirglasian priests whilst repurposing an old Domian mountain fortress as a spellster cloister (and unknowingly opening one of the largest preservation domes in recorded history in the process), this skeleton appears to be no older than a few years when, in fact, it dates back to the first elven refugees and is believed to be from a male.   How Domians came to be in possession of such an item is unknown, but it's heavily speculated to be the remains of a slave or captive like its dwarven and human counterparts, perhaps even from the original upheaval that saw the elves fleeing across Freedom's Leap an into Tirglas.   With it being in pristine condition, it bears all the traditional markers of the species' physiology: the short stature, the elongated canines and a more powerful jaw, the lengthened finger and toe bones, and the extra ribs. This has made it useful for medical purposes and a great many Tirglasian spellsters have used its likeness as a reference whilst learning to heal.
Item type
Creation Date
Estimated 5 AES
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
9.5kg (21lbs)


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