Sleeping Draught Item in Known World of the Spellster Universe | World Anvil
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Sleeping Draught

Made from pre-powdered herbs mixed into water or wine to create a cloudy concoction, the sleeping draught is a common elixir found throughout the Udynea Empire. It is unique in that the body of a spellster trained in healing doesn't immediately attempt to negate the effects of the concoction as it would with other toxins.   At full strength, this draught is designed to pull the consumer into a dreamless sleep lasting 8-12 hours. In smaller doses, it works more as a mild sedative that enables the consumer to drift off under their own power when such was not entirely possible beforehand.


Originally crafted as a means to suppress unruly slaves during transport, it was noted that the relatively "tame" spellster slaves slept without troublesome magic flare-ups whenever they got an accidental dose. Further testing on slave children with burgeoning magic, who are extremely susceptible to such outbursts whilst sleeping and dangerous to contain outside of specialised rooms, revealed that they slept blissfully in comparison.   With the arrival of the infitialis collars, dosing spellster slaves became an unnecessary trial and the slaver market turned to peddling the concoction to citizens as a means to aid spellster children. Nowadays, it's found in most local apothecaries across the empire and used not only to ease restless spellsters, but also the ill and the injured.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Related ethnicities


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