The Dracomius Tree Physical / Metaphysical Law in Knownworld | World Anvil
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The Dracomius Tree

In the heart of the great savanna that now sprawls across Kaliman, an ancient great wyrm named Gorogasus came to its final rest alongside a majestic river approximately 55,000 years ago. Fortune favoured the wyrm, allowing the slow release of its essence into the surrounding landscape. However, the most profound impact occurred when this essence was absorbed by a single seed, later discovered and picked up by a Krocher Seed Master, a fae of great knowledge and skill. Carried to the heart of the wyrm, the seed was planted, birthing the first Dracomius Tree—an arboreal giant reaching a towering height of 50 meters, with branches stretching wide.   Beyond its sheer size, the Dracomius Tree carries a rich history. Notably, it stands as the foundational site of the Kaliman Capital, Ochalaar. The tree's roots intertwine with the tapestry of Kaliman's past, and its branches cast shadows over the vibrant activities of the capital.   The first race in Knownworld to discern a unique reaction to the Dracomius essence was the Fey. Intriguingly, for most Fey, the effect manifests in reverse compared to other races. This mysterious inversion sparked their curiosity, leading to deeper explorations of the Dracomius Tree's magical properties.   For the Folk, the Dracomius Tree's essence serves as a potent relaxant, accompanied by a subtle euphoria. The Folk have embraced the benefits of this natural substance for thousands of years, weaving it into various aspects of their culture and traditions.   Onvullian Refinement: Unlocking Power Recognizing the value of the Dracomius essence, the Onvullians engaged in trade with the Folk, obtaining the raw substance. Through alchemical refinement, they elevated its properties, transforming it into the powerful substance known today. This refined essence has become a cornerstone of magical practices, rituals, and even certain arcane concoctions.   The Dracomius Tree, with its roots entrenched in the ancient wyrm's legacy, continues to be a central figure in Kaliman's tale. Its essence, now refined and harnessed, serves as a catalyst for various mystical pursuits, enriching the diverse cultures that call Kaliman home.


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