Blood Elves

"I haven't been afraid of the Keebs for a long time. That being said, I do find myself entertaining the idea that at one point a Blood Elf is going to claim my head. These creatures are fascinating, and very, very deadly. Last time I fought one the duel lasted long enough for his companions to kill the war party I was leading. Once he was gone, though, the Wood Elves around him were made of less sturdy stock."   ~Archmage Dulacar of the The Brass Tower   Blood elves are descended from the warrior caste of the La'shei empire. They were the centerpiece of every Elvenkind army facing down the Grimlocks or the Titans.   Today, they are treated with mistrust at best from the rest of the elves. Some blame it on the fall of the La'shei empire itself, as if they had failed to prevent the collapse. Some blame it on the legendary Blood Elf temper. Scholars equate it to a curse laid on their line by the High Elves due to "An Old Sin."   Blood elves roam quite often. The nature of their curse makes them uncomfortable in Doroinir Nimloth, so they tend to remain there only briefly.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Xyrfiel Presyra Valhana Facaryn Sharie Daethyra Chaegwyn Valjyre Faeyra Valfina Wysadove Tordove Enkrana Xilrona Valfiel Nerihana Wynzana Fakrana Presleth Qiralei

Masculine names

Wranceran Permaer Mirapeiros Zinkas Morxidor Olotumal Elpeiros Dorpeiros Roceran Petfaren Normyar Perceran Keazeiros Qinxidor Balzumin Yelnelis Daelar Sylcan Heifir Sylyarus

Family names

Blood elves have abandoned their family names. As far as they and the rest of Elvenkind are concerned, the ancestors of the blood elves are a disgrace.


Major language groups and dialects

Blood elves speak elven and usually common. Many also speak goblinoid, Infernal, and Abyssal, the languages of their enemies.

Shared customary codes and values

Blood elves have a complex concept of chivalry that emphasizes fair play, stand-up fights, deference to authority, and limiting unnecessary violence.   Obviously this goes out of the way when the Blood Frenzy takes over.

Common Etiquette rules

Blood elves don't ask each other how many they have killed in a frenzy.

Common Dress code

Blood elves prefer tunics and trousers. Otherwise, they wear tight-fitting or well tailored clothing such as one might find on military uniforms. Whatever they wear will always have pockets.

Art & Architecture

When blood elves build structures, they build them defensibly.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a blood elf is born, they are given a drop of blood from each of their parents before they ever take a mother's milk. None remember where this tradition began, but it is thought to be related to the relief that long term sufferers of the Blood Frenzy get to their sleep after drinking their fill of blood.   Other scholars believe that it was an unrelated baptismal rite from the era when they were the warrior caste of the La'shei

Coming of Age Rites

A blood elf is considered an adult when they suffer their first Blood Frenzy. They refer to the young before this as "unblooded," and they treat the first frenzy with somber respect and mourning.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Blood elves celebrate their dead with a weeks-long wake before they are cremated and their ashes scattered in a place of their greatest deeds. This wake involves enormous amounts of wine and brandy, and stories of the departed.

Common Taboos

While the Blood Frenzy may force them to make an exception, Blood Elves do not kill other elves. To do so is the greatest sin and brings an even greater shame.

Common Myths and Legends

Blood Elves tell stories of Mosivy and Maravasi, giving hope that a good death may balance out the guilt of their souls.


Beauty Ideals

Blood elf hair can range from auburn to scarlet to ginger. Some rarer examples are white or blonde. Their skin is white, red, blue, or gray. Their main source of attraction is in movement: the ideal movement is graceful and silent as a leopard stalking prey. For this reason, blood elves love dance.   Additionally, they are also the only elf race to find scars particularly attractive as a rule.   Finally, blood elves have fangs. White fangs that are sharp and pronounced but not oversized are considered desirable.

Gender Ideals

Blood elves enjoy equality among the sexes.

Courtship Ideals

Blood elves court with more passion than other elves, and of all elves trysts out of wedlock are the most common.

Relationship Ideals

Given the perpetually rising possibility of sudden insanity and blood-drinking murder, blood elf relationships burn hot and tend to be brief.

Major organizations

Encompassed species

Blood Elf

Ability Score Increase +1 Constitution
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Elf Weapon Training: You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.    Elf Weapon Expertise: You have expertise in the longsword and shortsword (add double your proficiency bonus)   The Blood Frenzy: You are a victim of The Blood Frenzy. See the linked page for details.   Bite: You have a bite attack. This attack can be used as a bonus action, and deals 1d4+1/2 your Strength bonus as piercing damage.

Languages. Elven and Common   CHOOSE ONE FROM:   Abyssal, Infernal, or Goblinoid

Articles under Blood Elves


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