
Control is a measure of how strong the authorities are, how clear their laws are, and how well enforced those laws are. Draconian laws and firm but fair, long standing traditions of law enforcement have roughly the same effect on control. Rebels, bandits, powerful monsters can all have a negative effect.   For players, Control most often manifests as a an adjustment to a roll for a random encounter, as indicated on the chart below. Additional adjustments may be made to the attitudes of those in control (high Control tends to make authority figures more difficult to intimidate) or to negotiating with criminals (high Control makes them more desperate, low control makes them much more confident.)   Low control attracts ne'er do wells, such as the Federation of Rakehells in the cities or the Mavi in wilderness areas.
Example Factor Effect
A competent/brutal sheriff +2 Control
A well respected or competent mayor +1 Control
A powerful lich sets up shop -1 Control
A dragon was sighted in the area -3 Control
The economy has collapsed -10 Control
Net Control Effect
-10 Widespread Unrest; -10 Economy, 20% Chance each season to generate a bandit camp, 5% Chance each season to generate a rebel Balatar,
-9 -8 Economy, 15% Chance each season to generate a bandit camp
-8 -6 Economy, 10% Chance each season to generate a bandit camp
-7 -4 Economy, 5% chance each season to generate a bandit camp
-6 -2 Economy, 4% chance each season to generate a bandit camp
-5 -1 Economy, 3% chance each season to generate a bandit camp
-4 -1 Economy, 2% chance each season to generate a bandit camp
-3 No change, 1% chance each season to generate a bandit camp
-2 No change
-1 No change
0 No change
1 No change
2 +1 to Economy
3 +2 to Economy
4 +4 to Economy
5 +5 to Economy
6 +2 to Economy
7 -2 to Economy
8 -5 to Economy
9 -8 to Economy
10 Total Authoritarian Control; -10 to Economy, -5 to Trust


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