Information Cylinder

"If you ever come across a dead Gondsman, it's worth your time to try to pull out the cylinder from its innards. The gnomes pay a pretty penny for it, and any caravaneer will pay only a little less. Myself, I'll buy them no questions asked for fifty gold!   "What do you mean 'what do the gnomes want with them'? I don't know that and I don't see why you'd even want to know. The explanation will probably have more syllables than I care to get into and we'll all be dumber by the time I'd sat through it."   ~Abide Baht Mig, Caravaneer and owner of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Through processes both alchemical and arcane, the experiences of the Gondsman are imprinted on the cylinder.   How the texture or makeup of the cylinder effects the attitude of the Gondsman is anyone's guess.

Manufacturing process

The cylinders are created in the internal processes of the Difference Engine and implanted as the last step of the creation of the Gondsmen


The information cylinder is the reason that the Difference Engine makes Gondsmen go out into the world.
Item type
6 inches long, 4 inches in diameter.
Base Price
100 GP

Information Cylinder

Trade Good

Rare Transmutation

A cylinder of various materials that serve as a Gondsman's memory and soul. They are always roughly the same dimension, and through some magical or alchemical process record the experience of the Gondsman in which they are installed.  

Cost: 100 GP - Can be turned into Karakadaw for a standard bounty.
Weight: 0.5 lbs.


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