Interfaith Relations

Religions' primary resource are people. They compete for Uninitiated and Interested alike.   1. Uninitiated   2. Interested   3. Rival   4. Antagonist   5. Infidel   6. Apostate   Uninitiated – Is not a strong member of any other religion. May be a lapsed member or simply unexposed.   Interested - Interested are the Uninitiated with which a religion has made a rapport. They are primed for conversion, but aren't officially a member yet. The religion that they are interested in converts from this pool first and others recruit from it last.   Rival – Is a member of a rival religion, such as Deminites, Entropians and Reverents (sometimes called the Tetrarchy). Will not generally commit violence, can often work together for common goals.   Antagonist – Is a member of a disliked religion, such as the Tetrarchy and Scalykind. Can result in violence if the lesser religion is ascendant. If Control is -4 or greater, can result in Pogroms or other oppression.   Infidel – Is a member of a hated religion, such as the Tetrarchy and Primal Cultists/demon cults. Always results in violence by zealots. If one religion is infidel to another, the larger will oppress the smaller, resulting in pogroms, suppression, and other forms of unrest.   Apostate – Is a member of a rival enemy sect within the religion, such as the Bahamian and Tiamite factions of Scalykind. Members, particularly zealots, will scheme and quarrel against each other obsessively. An apostate faction with less influence than their counterpart will become violent and terroristic, and obsessively tyrannical and paranoid if in control.


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