Radiant Skystone

Farmer Ib rubbed his hands with glee. The skystone had bounced right off his roof. Even as the glow wrapped wispy tendrils around him, he had visions of the yield this year's harvest would bring. Now if he could just keep it from that merchant that's been poking around...   He went inside to wake up his son. They'd need to break out the warclubs.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Softstone is warm to the touch and malleable.


Softstone is used in many potions to enhance the effects.

Origin & Source

Softstone comes from a meteor shower during Radiant Storm

Life & Expiration

It's total mass halves roughly every month or so, until it has disintegrated completely.

History & Usage

Everyday use

When used in alchemy, the resulting concoction adds one of the following effects as appropriate: 1 extra dice of healing, x1.5 duration, or damage is converted to radiant. Infused potions cost x1.5 for market value. If none of these are appropriate, the material adds nothing to the effect or value.


Handling softstone can be dangerous, with direct contact resulting in 1d4 radiant damage. Until this damage is healed, the damaged character has the Poisoned condition and disadvantage on Charisma checks and saves.

Environmental Impact

From the time that it lands to the time that it evaporates, plant life in the area of a soapstone thrives. As it shrinks, the circle of wild growth shrinks. When the stone is gone, the patch immediately surrounding where it was is a tangled thicket with often unique plants mutated in the center, with the effect being less pronounced in concentric rings outward.


Trade & Market

Sealed vials of softstone are a popular reagent, sold to alchemists who hoard them jealously.


To avoid evaporation, softstone has to be stored in airtight vials.
Softstone smells like burnt iron.
Softstone tastes like pus from a boil.
Black-Brown with a greenish glow that changes shade and even color depending on how you're looking at it.


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