
Manufacturing process

Soulstones are created by freak meteorological accidents in Latewinter.


Soulstones are popular in extremely high-end jewelry, particularly by important people frightened of assassinations.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
0.5 lbs
6-8 inches
Base Price
2500 GP


Wondrous Item When attuned to a soulstone, a character that drops to 0 hit points is immediately restored to 1 HP, but gains one point of exhaustion.     A character attuned to a soulstone can also take one level of exhaustion to immediately give the benefits of a short rest to another character.     A soulstone can resurrect a dead character. The attuned character takes two levels of exhaustion and the soulstone is destroyed.     If the attuned character dies, the soulstone captures their soul. They can be resurrected as normal, but only if the soulstone is physically present when casting the spell. Otherwise, the stone can be attuned by another character as normal, and the attuned character can speak to the captured soul.   Rare (this item requires attunement)

An unattuned soulstone is a gray stone with mottled black and brilliant white bands that play along its surface. They are generally 0.5 lbs, and roughly the size of a fist.   An unattuned soulstone with one or more trapped souls glows; the gray glows dully, the black mottling is a crushed void, and the white mottling sheds light as a torch.   An attuned soulstone still has the black and white mottling, but the gray is replaced by blue (if attuned by a lawful character) or red (if attuned by a chaotic character). The gray becomes brown if the attuned character is neutral on the lawful/chaotic axis.

Cost: 2500 gp Weight: 0.5 lbs



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