
Queen Sream (a.k.a. The Widow, Mother of Cats)

"Sream, third wife of Dom, inherited a vast portion of his wealth when he died. She married Log'n, wealthy chief of the Zorani. Log'n too died before his time, and all of his wealth was passed to Sream. She built a mighty tribe, marrying wealthy and often widowed in those dangerous times, until at last she ruled over a kingdom that nearly rivaled that of her first husband. She used her wealth to ensure prosperity for all of her people, and to tame the mighty lion and sly cougar. These she bred, and these were the mothers of the first housecats."   ~Canticles of the Demiurge

Holy Books & Codes

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Cats are sacred to Sream. In most rituals celebrating the paragon, gold-plated cat skulls are used as a direct link to her spirit.

Tenets of Faith

Marriage is a business arrangement and this should be considered before it is agreed to. The rest of the Canticles concerning Sream speak of investing wisely.   The most often quoted verse in her portion of the Canticles goes thusly: "True wealth is not value itself, but in what it affords us."


Catterday is celebrated on the Thirteenth of Newsummer. Children play sprinting games like Tag and Goblin Run, and celebrants of all ages enjoy sunning for hours at a time. Adults often mark this day for a hunt. On this day, cats of all sizes are considered sacred and must under no circumstances be harmed or molested.
Divine Classification


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