Supply Dice

Supply dice use the full set (1d2, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20, and 1d100). Supply dice represent a bulk of food, ammunition, and small basic supplies such as spell components or replacement buckles and straps for an adventuring or war party.   

System specific terms

  Quartermaster - The person in charge of maintaining the supplies. They buy    Forager - Hunters and gatherers who search the wilderness around a camp to augment supplies.   Supplier - Merchants or depot masters that sell or provide goods to the Quartermaster.   Reliant - A person who needs to consume supplies and be supported by them.   Cache - A hidden supply depot used for emergency resupply in the field.   Depot - A protected stash for supply in the field. Depots typically have to be protected by hirelings or their goods will likely be plundered.  


  A party has supply dice when they gather their supplies collectively, or at least have such a central supply even if they keep their own as well.   Replenishing supplies costs 1 GP X the size of the die when resupplied from a Supplier. Failure to do so after more than a week in the wilderness will decrement the die by one, after which another week may pass without a resupply.   A party may establish a Cache or Depot by investing one die size into the new stash. The part's die is decremented by one and the Supply Cache or Depot begins with 1d2. More die sizes can be invested to increase the cache. In the case of a Depot, the supplies must be protected in some way, such as with hirelings or by convincing a local homestead to watch over the supplies. In the case of a Cache, the supplies must be hidden with a skill check (usually Survival).   A cache may be used in the same way as Supply Dice, rolling the cache's die instead of the party's. Additionally, by decrementing the cache's die the party's may be incremented by one.   To roll supplies, the Quartermaster must roll the party's supply dice, adding their wisdom, intelligence, and proficiency modifiers. The DC is the number of Reliants being supplied, including the Quartermaster themselves. A failure still supplies all Reliants, but decrements the die by one. A natural one on the die triggers a roll on the Mishap table.    Foragers can add their proficiency bonus with a successful Survival check. The DC is determined by the region and the area's Wild Score.    Finally, supplies of significant cost (such as spell components with a cost over 10 GP or a brace of specialized ammunition) always decrement the die.    




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