The Penumbral Signet

"Why is this ring given to the Edler Tasked With the Defense of the Realm? Is it because of the power it bestows? Is it because of the history and gravitas of it's existence? No, none of these is correct. The Archedler receives this ring because their duty is to defend the realm, and this ring may well be one of the most dangerous things in and to it." ~Magus Dempsey of the Tower of Souls.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The ring is a complex metaphysical prison holding an avatar of Orcus, a sliver of the archdemon's soul. Where the Reverents that trapped the demon's soul acquired the prison is entirely unknown.


Iconic Symbol of Power and Authority
Penumbral Ring.jpg
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization
Legendary Artifact

The Penumbral Ring

Ring Minor Artifact Legendary (this item requires attunement) [Enchantment, Necromancy]

This uncomfortable, blocky silver ring appears black with tarnish. The gemstone is a black diamond that sports a skeletal, leering face that gnashes and screams in silent, eternal rage.   This ring has trapped within it the avatar of Orcus. It bestows power on the wielder, though the forces involved are unhealthy.   Attunement confers the following benefits: CON+2   Any time the owner of the Penumbral Ring deals damage, they can choose to convert half of that damage to fire or necrotic damage. If the unaltered damage is already either fire or necrotic, the owner of the ring can instead choose to deal double damage. In either case, the wielder's max HP is lowered by 1d4. These hit points return after a long rest.   While wearing this ring, the wearer can detect the presence of the undead within 200 feet, though not the direction or exact distance. If the wearer focuses on a known undead, they can exert control over them. The target must make a DC 18 Wisdom save or be Charmed (penetrating any resistance or immunity to Charm). While the undead is controlled in this way, the owner's max hit points are lowered by 1d4 per HD of the undead. The wearer can choose to regain these lost hit points after a long rest, but the undead is then free.   The wearer can mimic the effects of a Wish spell. When the spell is cast, the wielder is immediately disintegrated without saving, and cannot be resurrected.

Cost: Priceless

Penumbral Ring.jpg


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