
Sir Tor (a.k.a. Eternal Crusader)

"And so it was, overlooking the desolation of Filar, that Tor ended the Filar Crusade. As his men scoured the ashes for survivors, he laid down next to a hawthorne tree to sleep. In his dreams, he was visited by Scarroh, and she bade him begin a new crusade. When he awoke, he gathered his men to him and told them of their new crusade. Not one of them questioned the words of the Mistress, and they marched off to a new crusade, and then another and another. For all the years of his life, Tor led his men against the foes of his mistress, and such was his skill and his faith that they never again marked him."   ~Canticles of the Demiurge

Holy Books & Codes

Canticles of the Demiurge   Oaths of Conquest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  The Sword and Key is the primary symbol of the Order of Tor, the subcult devoted to the Eternal Crusader. It is a popular tattoo among warriors and is often seen stamped on weapons and armor worn by Deminites

Tenets of Faith

The penitent must fight,   The penitent must seek out the enemy in their homes   The penitent must burn the heretic and slay the monster.


The Order of Tor has no official holidays.
Divine Classification
Holy Crusader


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