Violet Carc

Violet Carc is used to dye linens, felt, and silk to create a dazzling color effect that changes with light and temperature. Despite its mild antimagic properties, it is popular among mages and nobles. This dye triples the value of clothing to which it is applied, and requires an Arcana DC 12 to cast a spell (such as Prestidigitation or Mage Armor) directly on it. Wearing such a garment grants the wearer a +2 bonus to saves against magic effects.     Aside from this dazzling effect, it can be treated in such a way as to provide a more muted color variance that blends well with its surroundings, granting advantage on stealth rolls in addition to the above effects.

Manufacturing process

Mixing powder from flail snail shells and carcolite together, then add milk from thistle until the concoction is a paste.


Violet Carc is a symbol of wealth.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Base Price
Base clothing x3
Raw materials & Components
Ground flail snail shells and carcolite.


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