Vittamar Duda

Master Vittamar Duda (a.k.a. The Tribulation)

"Why he's in the Golden Tower and not the Brass Tower is beyond me. I'll use him, though, there is no finer golem commander than Vittamar Duda."   ~Grandmaster Jeren, of The Golden Tower

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While aging, Vittamar still has a conqueror's constitution.

Facial Features

Vittamar wears a military style haircut and a meticulously trimmed goatee.

Special abilities

Much to the chagrin of the Brass Tower, Vittamar is the undisputed master of the Magic Missile spell.

Specialized Equipment

Vittamar wields a Staff of the Sun, and his robes are enchanted silk armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vittamar was born to a moderately wealthy family in Krezzym. He was tested for magical aptitude at the age of six, and was assigned a tutor when he was revealed to be a natural talent. He was closer to this tutor than his own parents.   His Becoming was a violent affair, shaping him for the rest of his life. He was assigned with only two peers to hunt down a rampaging troll from the Barrier Mountains. Both of his peers were killed by the beast, and he barely escaped with his own life. Unwilling to give up, he visited the Hayell homestead and organized a small volunteer militia by virtue of his charismatic personality. He used the militia to bring the troll to bay and then unleashed his full might. Even as a novice mage, he was able to burn the troll into ash, and his renown for the flawless victory carried him through as an unquestioned candidate for the Golden Tower.   He rose rapidly through the ranks through talent and determination. He attained the rank of Master at a remarkably young age, but he has never thrown his hat into the ring for Grandmaster. It is believed that doing so would take him away from the field work he loves so much.   His most notable victory to date was against an 'unsanctioned' witch hunt by the College of Questions. Thirty Witchfinders had descended upon an unmapped, independent village between Giant's Bridge and Iolka. They claimed that the whole settlement was in the sway of hags. Journeyman Vittamar came to the defense of the townspeople with a small squad of Tyro mages and security golems. The Witchfinders reluctantly agreed to allow them to investigate the claims before brining a witch trial to bear on the town. Losing patience, the witchfinders attacked the Golden Tower Delegation in the middle of the night. The outnumbered mages led by Vittamar smashed the witchfinders, taking two prisoner and slaughtering the rest of them where they fought. The cheers of the townsfolk died down as Vittamar calmly finished his investigation and found that the town had indeed been corrupted almost entirely by the hags, including sacrificing their children to the hags' reproductive rites. Vittamar took two prisoners, and killed the rest where they fled. Ever after, he has been known as "the Tribulation", and his reputation for ruthless adherence to duty has only grown.


Vittamar has openly sworn a vow of celibacy in the name of Domielle of the Burning Sword.


Tutored from a young age to be a mage, Vittamar bought books on military history and theory as a matter of personal curiosity. He is highly educated compared to the average Maecodian.


Vittamar is a Master of The Golden Tower.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Vittamar is the premier military expeditionist in the Golden Tower.

Mental Trauma

Losing both of his peers on his Becoming initially convinced Vittamar that the world was harsh, nasty, and must be confronted with violence when it steps out of line. Every life experience since has only confirmed this belief.

Intellectual Characteristics

Vittamar is a Melancholic, and details rarely slip past him.

Morality & Philosophy

Vittamar is a strict Legalist, though he always seeks to understand the meaning of the law rather than the letter.

Personality Characteristics


Vittamar wants to bring the world to order, and to fight the forces of chaos wherever he can find them. He does so in service to the tower, but he believes he is in service to a higher power and itches for permission to join a crusade.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Vittamar is a tactically minded leader of men.

Likes & Dislikes

Vittamar has very little time for those who make rash decisions or behave illogically.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Villamar 'bathes' using the Prestidigitation spell, magically erasing dirt and soils from his person. He consequently has no scent whatsoever.


Family Ties

Clan Duda

Religious Views

Vittamar is a Zealous Reverent

Social Aptitude

Vittamar is a charismatic leader and a confident commander.

Wealth & Financial state

Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Master of the Golden Tower.
Year of Birth
937 Y 58 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Vittamar was born into a moderately wealthy clan in Krezzym.
Current Residence
Shock White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and Waxy
Thin as a Scarecrow
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
The Old Tongue


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