Archive Bakery

It is a great shame that most people dont get to experience the joy that is walking into the Archive Bakery. The smell of freshly baked bread and a warm fireplace over the subtle undertones of old books, more than a few wizards and scholars have described it as the perfect place to study.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens
  It honestly started as a bit of a joke. An old scholar was working on a paper, something to do with royal geneology or the effects of magic on something or other, and got tired of having to stop their work to eat. So they asked the local baker if they could set up shop at a table in their bakery. The baker saw no reason to tuurn down the request of one of his regular customers. Of course, at the library the absence of a scholar was noted by their peers.   Once they learned that there wa a place where they could get delicious food and do their work, other scholars started to set up shop at the bakery. So many scholars moved in that the Bakery actually expanded into an adjacent building... twice. in less than 5 years the bakery took occupied the entire block.   Rooms were added for people to sleep, and several ovens were added as well. One of the worlds best architects re-designed the whole block to better cater to the needs of scholars visiting Silmere. Comftorable nooks to read and study in, bookcases and desks. The entire thing is purpose built for those that love books and fresh baked goods. Pastries, sweet rolls, loafs of fresh steaming bread. all delivered by the staff who act as a combination of waiter and librarian. It has become not only a destination for scholars, but noble families the world over now send apprentice chefs to train under tha master bakers


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