Blighted Isle

It's a place best avoided unless you know what you're about. There isnt a single living thing on that island, and the undead are remnants of the Necromancer Wars, including several liches, if you believe the rumors.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of The Bronze Ravens
  The Blighted Isle is a relic of the Necromancer Wars. It was,and still is, the last bastion of undead. There were several attempts by various armies to route the horde, but at best they only added to its ranks. In recent years There have been rumors of the blight that effects the Isle spreading to the nearby shores of the mainland. Rumors have started of zombies and skeletons attacking fishing vessels hundreds of miles away. While those havent been confirmed numerous villages have noted that they are catching half rotted corpses of fish with surprising regularity.   Those sailors that frequent the seas will tell you that if you can even see the Blighted Isle on the horizon you are too close. There are both flying beasts and undead sea creatures that are more than capable of sinking a ship, or leaving the ship intact but killing the entire crew.   Little is known about what inhabits the island, but the few records that we have, thanks to the Gemini Liches, would indicate that there are at least 5 liches from the Necromancer Wars that at one point or another made it to the island, including a dracolich. However, none of their names are known. The fact that such an collection of greater undeadcould exist in the world is truely a terrifying thought, made even more so by the fact that plant life along the closest shorelines have start started to exhibit the unmistakable signs of a magical blight. Although there are numerous greater wards designed to keep those on the isle from ever leaving, it looks like the passage of time has either weakened their effectiveness, or the liches have finally found a way to circumvent them, either of which could spell disaster for the world.


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